Top social marketing minds of 2014

Who are the top social marketing minds? Social marketing is the force to be reckoning with. Done right, it can be the difference between profitability and going bust. It is the current frontier of making it big. There are so many companies, peoples and books on what social marketing is. How do you know who are on the forefront? Some people have already built their social brand but there are others who can hold their own against anyone but yet very few know about them. This is community driven tips list for the best social marketing gurus around. Submit the name of the person you think is the best social marketer you know. Please do not submit a marketing company alone but you can submit someone within the company who is the best and add the company name at the end. Tips are ranked based on votes. Once your tip is submitted, the community can vote. Tips with higher votes are viewed the most and have higher chances of getting additional votes from the community members. You can provide persons name and a small headline in the tips title; add description, image and you can add URL where people can get more details about the person.

Tip 1 - Jeff Bullas

Published:  | Submitted by Kate | permalink
Jeff Bullas

Jeff Bullas is a blogger, author, strategist and speaker and work with companies and executives to optimize their online personal and company presence and brand with digital  and social media marketing.

For further reading: [1]

Tip 2 - Chris Brogan CEO of Human Business Works

Published:  | Submitted by Donwan | permalink

Chris Brogan CEO of Human Business Works. Chris Brogan is Publisher and CEO of Owner Magazine, a business magazine helping you improve your worth by growing your capabilities and connections. He is a sought-after keynote speaker who has addressed crowds of thousands, been on the Dr Phil show, and once presented to a princess.

For further reading: [2]

Tip 3 - Ann Handley Chief Content Officer at marketingprofs

Published:  | Submitted by JasonM | permalink
Ann Handley Chief Content Officer at marketingprofs

Ann by far is just different. She heads up all of the content at MarketingProfs. She’s a 14-year veteran of creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals, and the co-author of Content Rules

Tip 4 - Drew McLellan

Published:  | Submitted by Henryy | permalink
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan’s a 25+ year marketing agency veteran who lives for creating “a ha” moments for his clients, clients’ customers, peers and audiences across the land. He’s written the book 99.3 Random Acts of Marketing, co-editing the Age of Conversation series of books and in 1995, he launched his own firm McLellan Marketing Group.

For further reading: [4]

Tip 5 - Barb Giamanco

Published:  | Submitted by Johnhead | permalink
Barb Giamanco

Barb heads up Social Centered Selling. She’s the co-author of The New Handshake: Sales Meets Social Media – the first book published on social selling. She is the author of the Harvard Business Review article Tweet Me, Friend Me, Make Me Buy published in the July 2012. Her first of its kind research report: Social Media and Sales Quota  proves the measurable return-on-investment when using social media to sell.

For further reading: [5]

Tip 6 - Mark Schaefer

Published:  | Submitted by Coffeecup | permalink
Mark Schaefer

Executive Director Mark Schaefer is among the most acclaimed and accomplished marketing consultants in America, with a special emphasis in social media marketing.

For further reading: [6]

Tip 7 - Warren David Horak

Published:  | Submitted by JasonK | permalink
Warren David Horak

Warren's specialty is the effective use of Internet Marketing by integrating social media with conventional internet marketing practises. He has over 30 years of personal experience in many spheres of business.

For further reading: [7]

Tip 8 - Brian Clark Copyblogger Founder

Published:  | Submitted by ContentisKing | permalink

Brian Clark is CEO of Copyblogger Media, a serial entrepreneur, and a former attorney and real estate broker. Advertising Age ranks Copyblogger as a top marketing blog in its Power150 list.

For further reading: [8]

Tip 9 - Brian Solis

Published:  | Submitted by Adnan Arif | permalink
Brian Solis

Brian Solis is a principal analyst at Altimeter Group. He is also an award-winning author, prominent blogger, and keynote speaker.

For further reading: [9]

Tip 10 - Ted Nguyen

Published:  | Submitted by SocialAndrew | permalink
Ted Nguyen

Ted Nguyen is a nationally award-winning social media, public relations and communications professional with more than 20 years of developing and executing cost-effective programs.

For further reading: [10]

Tip 11 - Dan Zarrella

Published:  | Submitted by IKnowBest | permalink
Dan Zarrella

Dan Zarrella is the award-winning social media scientist at HubSpot and author of four books: “The Science of Marketing,” “Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness,” “The Social Media Marketing Book” and The Facebook Marketing Book.

For further reading: [11]

Tip 12 - Al Albania Founder of Acart Communications

Published:  | Submitted by Rocky | permalink
Al Albania Founder of Acart Communications

Al Albania Acart Communications.  Acart Communications specializes in Change Marketing. This includes the disciplines of social marketing, cause marketing and corporate social responsibility marketing in the private. 

The firm Mr. Albania, 66, set up nearly 40 years ago appears to have found the sweet spot for winning federal ad contracts in post-sponsorship Ottawa. Acart has produced Economic Action Plan ads for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada that highlight retraining programs and was also hired for campaigns focused on elder abuse and the H1N1 virus. 

The little big outlet, which understands ChangeMarketing and what social reach is all about.


For further reading: [12]

Tip 13 - Gabrielle Bernstein the New York Times best-selling author of May Cause Miracles

Published:  | Submitted by MoneyBall | permalink
Gabrielle Bernstein the New York Times best-selling author of  May Cause Miracles

Gabrielle is the New York Times best-selling author of  May Cause Miracles. She appears regularly as an expert on NBC’s Today Show, has been featured on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday as a next-generation thought leader, and was named “a new role model” by the New York Times. She is also the author of the books Add More ~ing to Your Life, Spirit Junkie and her newest book Miracles Now. Gabrielle is the founder, a social networking site for women to inspire, empower and connect.

Youtube named Gabrielle one of 16 Youtube Next Video Bloggers, she was named one of Mashable’s 11 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Inspiration and she’s featured on the Forbes List of 20 Best Branded Women. Gabrielle has a monthly segment on the Today show and weekly radio show on Hay House Radio.

For further reading: [13]

Tip 14 - Danny Sullivan

Published:  | Submitted by Hellotips | permalink
Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan is a journalist who has covered the internet and search marketing space for nearly 20 years. He's founding editor of Marketing Land and Search Engine Land, theCommon Sense Tech columnist for CNET and a chief content officer ofThird Door Media

For further reading: [14]

Tip 15 - Robin Fray Carey

Published:  | Submitted by Fall4me | permalink
Robin Fray Carey

As traditional media went digital, and the internet went social, Robin was one of the first to realize that the emerging social media platforms offered huge promise to corporations seeking to interact directly with, and learn from, their customers, their employees, and experts from the Ivy Towers, the Street and the Hill.

For further reading: [15]

Tip 16 - Lee Odden

Published:  | Submitted by DiggleZ | permalink
Lee Odden

Lee Odden is the CEO and co-founder of TopRank who is known as a pioneer and passionate advocate of integrated marketing and public relations across the globe. Lee literally wrote the book on integrating SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing, called: Optimize.

For further reading: [16]

Tip 17 - Doug Kessler

Published:  | Submitted by Hike99 | permalink
Doug Kessler

Doug Kessler is a displaced Yank who started his career at Ogilvy & Mather, New York. Soap and fabric softener bored him rigid so he jumped ship to specialise in B2B. Doug is a content marketing junkie.

Tip 18 - Darren Rowse

Published:  | Submitted by Bluejazz | permalink
Darren Rowse

Darren has been blogging since November 2002 on a number of sites. He started out with a personal blog about Spirituality, Pop Culture, Life in Australia and miscellaneous topics. Today he is the guy behind

Tip 19 - Olivier Blanchard

Published:  | Submitted by Listen2me | permalink
Olivier Blanchard

Olivier Blanchard is a global business consultant specializing in brand strategy, marketing management, social business integration, consumer insights management, and change management.

For further reading: [19]

Tip 20 - Michael A. Stelzner

Published:  | Submitted by Besttips | permalink
Michael A. Stelzner

 Michael Stelzner is the founder of Social Media Examiner, author of the books Launch and Writing White Papers and the man behind large events, such as Social Media Marketing World and Social Media Success Summit. He is also host of the Social Media Marketing podcast show.

For further reading: [20]

Tip 21 - Bill Stoller

Published:  | Submitted by Karen | permalink
Bill Stoller

Bill has worked with some really huge clients (Coca-Cola, Hasbro and Colgate-Palmolive to name a few) and some very small ones. He has learned so many inside tricks for getting publicity that he considers himself something of a walking publicity encyclopedia.

For further reading: [21]

Tip 22 - Michael R.H. Stewart

Published:  | Submitted by Natalie | permalink
Michael R.H. Stewart

Marketing futurist and Internet executive with over 22 years of broad experience in all aspects of online business, social media, and company management.

For further reading: [22]

Tip 23 - Jay Baer Founder of ConvinceAndConvert

Published:  | Submitted by Niki | permalink

Jay Baer Founder of ConvinceAndConvert. When i first read "Youtility" it totally changed my perspective on social media. Jay just makes it simple and result driven.

Tip 24 - Jason Keath Founder of Social Fresh

Published:  | Submitted by SocialWest | permalink

CEO and Founder of Social Fresh, Jason Keath, a social media speaker and consultant, first bought the domain name in 2008 as he began to plan the first Social Fresh Conference in Charlotte NC.

For further reading: [24]

Tip 25 - Mike Volpe - CMO Hubspot

Published:  | Submitted by Ilovetips | permalink
Mike Volpe - CMO Hubspot

Mike Volpe is Chief Marketing Officer at HubSpot, a marketing software company, where he leads the company's lead generation and branding strategy through inbound marketing, including blogging, search engine optimization, video marketing, and social media.

Tip 26 - Stephanie Sammons WiredAdvisor Founder

Published:  | Submitted by NewWay | permalink

Stephanie Sammons is recognized as a top thought leader in digital “influence” marketing for financial advisors, financial services firms, business professionals and entrepreneurs.

For further reading: [26]

Tip 27 - Mari Smith

Published:  | Submitted by Nelson | permalink
Mari Smith

Mari Smith is one of the world’s leading social media strategists and widely recognized as THE top Facebook marketing expert in the world. She is author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day.

For further reading: [27]

Tip 28 - irs employee directory

Published:  | Submitted by monirjibon 001 | permalink
irs employee directory

    Internal Revenue Service ( Employee Database The Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Child and Dependent Care Credit help millions of families every year. There are also a number of credits for small and large businesses. You may have taken deductions when you prepared your annual tax return. In addition to the standard …

Tip 29 - buy email list

Published:  | Submitted by latestdatabase 5 | permalink
buy email list

In order to make this kind of thing happen, businesses must reach out to email list and data management companies.

For further reading: [29]


SocialWest, ContentisKing, MoneyBall, Bank, DreamBig, Khan, Susan, Rocky, JimLogan, AAA, Janiken 12, Tom Forest, Laura Levitan, Wilson Riles, Byung Chung, Giovanni My, Rakesh Das, Sondlo amp Knopp Advertising, Adilson Gaiotto, Joseph Jaffe, Grant Hamel, Jaye Amick, Karin van Volen, Thomas Kobler, Pat Wilson, Gaspare Ruggirello, Randall Mu 00e 9ndaez, Ashleigh Fenwick, Katherine Dixon, Anselm Doering, Vincent Malakius, k sassidharan, Jason Gurley, Ricardo Cruzato, Karl Kopinski, Viatcheslav Semenikhin, Lawrence Chan, Windhu Hidranto, Lisa Stoppenbach, David Bousquet, Sandip Badyal, Chris Parnham, Jean - Guy Rioux, Teresa Bracchitta, Mavis Curry, Amanda Higginbotham, Colum Horgan, Katia Bruno, rebecca halvorsen, Lorena Cole, David Grunow, DENNIS SAWYERS, Franck Aveledo, danijel ogrizovic, Carl Scheinwald, sonia janovjak, Randi Franklin, shanta newby, Louis Prettitore, Eva Behm, Erik Feldhaus, Emil Bergfeld, Peter Bentz, Oleksandr Yanov, Jeannette Rusticus, Gaurav Chhibber, David Domike, Rich Mc Nish, Karen Shaffer, Sylvia Shelnutt, Kevin Keo, Albert Bell, Ar Lee Wee Kee, CLAY Woodson, Deanna Sperka, Lars Hviid, Kenny Bellini, Kathy Chun, Wim van de Voorde, Yvonne Wootten, Patricia Mead, Mark Decrem, Will Gorman, Armand Kruger, Mathijs Vermeulen, Peggy Kessinger, Francis De Capua, Ahmad Al -shahabi, Joshua Rowe, Iris Prager, Robert Francis, Tomas de Vargas Machuca, Trevor FLAD, Robert Matzen, charely liu, Charlotte Attrup, Nikolai Glinkin, Gina Hudecek, Penelope Holt, Paul O Malley, Delu 00e 2nia Rodrigues, Camilla Lindholm - Raissis, Gene Poole, Bruno Frei, Steven Cassidy, Cynthia Mkhize, Alfonso Torre, Vsevolod Prosvirnin, Rodney Schaap, Sandi Musk, Mike Eisgrau, Carl Kabat, timothy moldenhauer, Casey Towers, Mark Dodds, Mike Warren, uc 591ub 098 uae 40, Carolyn Baldwin, Angela Antonson, Susana Gonzalez, Kelly Burgess, Deepak Singhal, Deeptha Wijegunawardhana, Margarita QUINTANILLA, Michael Berneis, Johannes Minnaar, Jennifer Temple, Carola Muck, Syllogos Persainas, git s, Andrea Scherer, John Fleischer, Cindy Dobson, Evie Demetriou, Jana Cooley, Jim Drake, Jennifer Gragg, Marcelo Lava, Albert Mc Donald, Kevin Kebodeaux, Mann Family, Holly Thompson, Jerry Tenison, Rozenn MEE, Rosario Mendoza, Dave Sellers, Marisa Mendes, Mardel Mitchell, Michelle Coventry, Mr Carlos Alberto Marquez, no, Wise Owl, Marion Reese, sorc, Katie S, Matthieu Morin, greggo 96, Sherry Baker, Silas Tolles, Janet Lilly, monirjibon 001, latestdatabase 5