Trailer Hitch RV Center

Address: 215 North Frontage Road, Nipomo, CA 93444

Phone: 805-929-8095

Website URL:

About the Business: As the first RV dealer in California to sell fifth wheels, Trailer Hitch RV Center is proud to offer a wide variety of new and used RVs for sale. Our selection includes travel trailers, toy haulers, and fifth wheels.

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Hours of Operation: MON - SAT: 9AM to 6PM; SUN: 10AM to 5PM

Tip 1 - Lance Travel Trailers for Sale CA | Trailer Hitch Nipomo, CA

Published:  | Submitted by Wilfred Kroese | permalink
Lance Travel Trailers for Sale CA | Trailer Hitch Nipomo, CA

Visit our website to see our large selection of Lance travel trailers available here at Trailer Hitch, Nipomo, CA.

Tip 2 - Trailer Hitch RV Center - Nipomo, CA

Published:  | Submitted by Jeroewn | permalink
Trailer Hitch RV Center - Nipomo, CA

Specialties: Travel Trailer/5th wheel sales and service. Established in 1968. Our dealership has been serving the RV needs of the Central Coast of California and beyond since 1968. From the beginning and up to this very day we have been a…
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Tip 3 - Trailer Hitch RV - Nipomo, California - RV Dealership | Facebook

Published:  | Submitted by user 9a | permalink
Trailer Hitch RV - Nipomo, California - RV Dealership | Facebook

Trailer Hitch RV, Nipomo, California. 842 likes · 10 talking about this · 70 were here. In addition to being a full service RV Dealer and Service...

Tip 4 - Trailer Hitch RV Center

Published:  | Submitted by Ralph Winkelmolen | permalink
Trailer Hitch RV Center

Videos found on this channel will primarily be showcasing our RV inventory. We will also be uploading various RV industry videos and special information from...
Tags: "Trailer Hitch RV" "Travel Trailer" "5th wheel" "fifth wheel" camping "Toy Hauler" New Used

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Category: Cars & Automobile | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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