Training a Dog to Obey Commands

We recently got a month old labrador and I want to train it to obey commands like sit, come, go, stop, eat etc. Do I need to take help from a professional trainer or can I do it myself as well? Please advise and help.

Tip 1 - Be consistent with the words you use for training

Published:  | Submitted by Eric | permalink

If you are teaching your dog to obey your commands you must use the same words every time. Mixing up words will confuse the dog and it won't be learning fast enough.

Tip 2 - Use dog treats to reward your pet when it does something you want

Published:  | Submitted by Alysha | permalink
Use dog treats to reward your pet when it does something you want

The best way to train your dog is to use dog treats to reward it when it does something you want. For instance, if you ask your dog to come and it comes to you, give it a treat. Similarly, ask your dog to sit and if it does, give it a treat. This way your dog learns that you approve of the behavior and reward it. Eventually your dog will start obeying those commands.

Tip 3 - Teach your dog leash walking

Published:  | Submitted by Joanne | permalink

It is important to teach leash walking as soon as possible. Take your dog out for a walk, if your dog pulls on the leash, do not let go so it knows that pulling won't make it go faster. When he dog slows down, give it a treat so it knows you appreciate this. With time your dog will learn to walk normally and not pull on the leash.

Tip 4 - Be careful with what you reinforce

Published:  | Submitted by Phil Hyde | permalink

When training your dog, you must be careful with what kind of behavior you reinforce. Dog's learn very simply. If your dog barks and you give him food, he will learn that barking gets food. If you keep at it, soon your dog will bark and bark till you give him food.

Instead, you should focus on making your dog do things you want, like sitting, before you give him what he wants. This way he learns its a two way street.

Tip 5 - Use Hand Signals Along with Commands

Published:  | Submitted by Rebecca | permalink

Using hand signals is a good way of helping your dog learn commands as they understand and recognize your movements as well.

Tip 6 - Don't just say no, tell your dog what to do

Published:  | Submitted by Varada Murthy | permalink

If your dog is jumping at you, shouting no or telling it not to jump will only confuse it. You should instead tell your dog what you want it to do. For instance, when your dog jumps, you can tell it to sit and then help it sit, so your dog knows what you want. This will speed up your training and remove confusions too.

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Category: Pets & Animals | 11 years ago

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