Trampoline Safety Issues for Homeowners

Trampoline Safety Issues for Homeowners – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Trampoline Safety Issues for Homeowners. This topic was created by Cesar Zampieri and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - A Homeowner's Injury Liability for a Trampoline Accident -

Published:  | Submitted by Paula Johnson | permalink
A Homeowner's Injury Liability for a Trampoline Accident -

Under what circumstances can the homeowner be held liable for injuries resulting from a trampoline accident?

Tip 2 - Does Homeowners' Insurance Cover Trampoline Injuries? |

Published:  | Submitted by Manuela Capiak | permalink
Does Homeowners' Insurance Cover Trampoline Injuries? |

Your policy may exclude any trampoline or "bounce house" on your property. Here's what you need to know.

Tip 3 - Statistics on Trampoline Injuries | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Silvia garbarino | permalink
Statistics on Trampoline Injuries | LIVESTRONG.COM

Many parents purchase trampolines for their children, believing that trampolines are toys that will provide hours of outdoor fun for kids. What many do not realize, says, is that home-use trampolines actually cause most of the overall trampoline-related injuries, and the American Academy of Pediatrics has gone so far as to...

Tip 4 - Florida Homeowners Insurance For Trampolines - Florida Insurance Quotes

Published:  | Submitted by Fiona Mc Farland | permalink
Florida Homeowners Insurance For Trampolines - Florida Insurance Quotes

Trampolines are a type of device that characteristically features a piece of strong tight fabric stretched taut over a steel frame featuring several coiled springs.   This produces a device that’s bouncy enough to launch people in the air when they jump onto it. While the fabric mat that stretches over the frame isn’t entirely elastic, it’s the responsibility of the coiled springs that produce the elasticity causing the bouncy effect, since they store potential energy.   Trampolines are an object of affection for kids, though they’re also commonly used in sports and recreational contexts where the device may be [...]


Published:  | Submitted by Scott Majorino | permalink

The Virginia personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys at Allen & Allen are experienced lawyers offering free consultations in car accidents, truck accidents, bus accident, wrongful death and brain injury cases. Offices available in Richmond, Mechanicsville, Chesterfield, Petersburg, Charlottesville, Garrisonville and Fredericksburg.

Tip 6 - When Are Homeowners Legally Responsible for Trampoline Injuries? - Beasley Firm Injury and Malpractice Lawyers

Published:  | Submitted by Konstantin Thoeren | permalink

Earlier this week the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) again warned about the dangers of home trampolines, “discouraging home use of trampolines,” and collecting data showing that “Most trampoline injuries occur with multiple simultaneous users on the mat. Cervical spine injuries often occur with falls off the trampoline or with attempts at somersaults or flips.” …

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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