Tried and Tested Tips For Losing Weight

Tried and Test Tips For Losing Weight. There are all kinds of experts, books, products and exercise routines created to lose weight. How do you know what is good and what is not...let the community sorted it for you. This is the place to offer tips you created or used to lose weight. If you are getting a tip from an article, please provide your tip and the URL of the article for additional reading. Tips are ranked based on votes. Once your tip is submitted, get your family and friends to vote. Tips with higher votes are viewed the most and have higher chances of getting additional votes from the community members. You can provide tips title, description, image and if you have a URL where you got the tip from, please add it.

Tip 1 - Find a Cause to Lose Weight

Published:  | Submitted by Anu | permalink

Find a Cause to Lose Weight: You want to lose weight and get rid of that extra, unwanted fat, find yourself a cause: A friend of mine lost 25 pounds because her brother’s wedding was coming up and she wanted to look good in her dress. Another friend was going on vacation with her family and wanted to look good in a swimsuit. When things you want to do in life are associated with a cause, there is more drive to get them done. Thought Bite: A real genuine cause is one of the biggest motivators for achieving fat loss greatness, even when the odds are against you.

Tip 2 - Stay below your calorie count, consistently.

Published:  | Submitted by J4BAR | permalink

Weight loss does not occur overnight, in order to shed 1 pound of bodyweight one has to deprive its body of 3500kcals, over a week period this equates to 500kcals a day, which may seem like alot but in essence it can be made by opting for more healthy options such as replacing your regular can of coke with water and many more of these healthy food switches throughout the day can lead to dramatic calorie reduction.


I've provided a link on a calorie counter, along with the knowleged above should help you recognise how many calories you need to lose weight.

Remember losing too much weight, too quickly can be unhealthy.

Good luck,

Jabar Shah

Training Nutritionist.

Tip 3 - Eat What Grows on Plants; Limit What's Manufactured in Plants

Published:  | Submitted by Content | permalink

Everything that grows naturally (vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, etc.) is good for you. Try eating them mostly in as natural a state as possible (baked, steamed, boiled, lightly sauteed, etc.) and limit cooking methods that destroy their food value (deep frying, over-cooking, etc.) Use whole grain products rather than refined flour. 


Limit your intake of stuff that's manufactured for you (biscuits, chips, frozen dinners, etc.) especially those that have high sugar content (jams, sweetened juices, soda, chocolates, sweet cereals, etc.) 


Reduce your sugar and salt intake.

Tip 4 - Eating too little actually works against you

Published:  | Submitted by Manpower | permalink

Eating too little actually works against you. Eating too little can backfire. Never have less than 1,200 calories a day—or you may slow down your metabolism.

Tip 5 - Start reading labels before you buy food

Published:  | Submitted by NewIdea | permalink
Start reading labels before you buy food

Start reading labels. I know it sucks, but you have to do it – and there’s no way to avoid this tip. If you don’t know what you’re putting in your mouth, you’re flying blind. Don’t assume, either – triple-check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must rely on yourself for this; nobody else is going to be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It’s not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calorie count.

Tip 6 - Start the day with a filling breakfast

Published:  | Submitted by Hunain | permalink

Tip 7 - know what normal size serving is: meat or fish should be around size of deck of cards

Published:  | Submitted by Jinse | permalink
know what normal size serving is: meat or fish should be around size of deck of cards

know how much food a normal size serving is: meat or fish should be about the size of deck of cards. A serving of almost everything else ought to fit in the palm of your hand. And most importantly, if you feel full, do not make yourself eat up everything you have left on your plate. Listen to your body and you will know when it's the right time to stop.

Tip 8 - Control Your Taste buds and you can easily control what you eat

Published:  | Submitted by AMpm6 | permalink

Control Your Taste buds and you can easily control what you eat. Most of the time the junk we eat is not a call for hunger nor it is call from the stomach. Our taste buds demand craving, more junk we eat, more sensation tastebuds lose. This makes you eat or drink more of the junk for taste buds to get the feeling of satisfaction. By actively understanding the call for food from taste buds allows you to say no.

Tip 9 - Plan Tomorrow's Eating Today

Published:  | Submitted by Hola | permalink

Plan what you eat : It is important to plan ahead. Perhaps you could plan each day's meals and recipes the day before, or plan a week's meals at a time. In this way you will know exactly how much food you will be eating. This is better than looking in the cupboard and fridge before mealtimes or snacks to see what is there. It is best to separate eating from other activities. This helps you to keep to your planned eating for the day. So, try not to eat whilst on the move, whilst watching TV, during meetings, etc.

Tip 10 - Eat Celery and Avocado

Published:  | Submitted by EatingRight | permalink

Eat Celery and Avocado: Celery – high in fibre and many minerals, this crunchy vegetable is best eaten raw, to slow the release of the nutrients from the rest of your meal. And it contains zero fat. Avocado – long considered a no-no for traditional dieters, this fruit is higher in protein than most, and supplies ample essential fats, together with a high dose of vitamin E – which is great for reducing stretch marks and wrinkles caused by rapid weight-loss.

Tip 11 - Keep the fruit nearby!

Published:  | Submitted by Sandya | permalink

This is a perfect tip, we all have a favourite fruit that we wouldnt mind munching on every now and then but usually we wont go out of our way to eat them and sweets and chocolate always take precedence. So whenever we get the odd craving, instead of stashing a bunch of chocolates in your bag, carry around fruit and leave some in the office for you to quickly nibble and keep that hunger tamed!

Tip 12 - Drink cup of hot water every 3 hours

Published:  | Submitted by USA | permalink

Drink cup of hot water every 3 hours

Tip 13 - Do NOT Skip Meals

Published:  | Submitted by tahir | permalink

Skipping meals can cause your body to go into a fat-storing starvation mode, making it harder to burn calories. Never skip your meals.

Tip 14 - Create A Food Diary And Log The Food You Eat

Published:  | Submitted by Planit | permalink

Create A Food Diary And Log The Food You Eat: record what you’ve eaten and find out how many calories you consume. See how many calories you’ve got left as you add foods each day – helping you to keep on track with your diet.

Tip 15 - Drink 500 milliliters of water prior to meals

Published:  | Submitted by Smithi | permalink

Water is a great weight-loss tool, experts say. A recent US study found middle-aged adults who drank 500 milliliters of water prior to meals, three times a day, shed about 2.3 kilograms more over 12 weeks than those who didn't. Dietitian Lisa Renn says: "The critical thing from that study was they were drinking before eating, decreasing their stomach capacity and eating smaller portions."

Tip 16 - Gluten Free Diet is a Fad

Published:  | Submitted by DietGuru | permalink

Gluten Free Diet is a Fad: When it comes to sniffing out whether something is a fad, I always ask myself three questions: Does it require purchasing a very specific, very exclusive product? Does it use far-out claims of quick fixes in order to encourage you to try it out? And perhaps most importantly for my demographic: Does it promise something that eerily resembles weight loss? If I am able to answer “yes” to any of those questions, then I proceed with extreme caution.

Tip 17 - Doctors now say that walking is one of the best exercises

Published:  | Submitted by Sunnyme | permalink

Doctors now say that walking is one of the best exercises. It helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health. There are things such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and many other exercises which will benefit a weight loss program. Discuss the options with your doctor and take his advice in planning your exercise and weight loss program.

Tip 18 - Don't eat while watching TV and reduce 40 percent calories

Published:  | Submitted by ThisSide | permalink

Don't eat while watching TV and reduce 40 percent calories. Dining while viewing can make you take in 40 percent more calories than usual, reports a new study. And texting, driving, or any other distracting activity during a meal can also result in your eating too much. Instead, make each meal something you put on a plate and sit down to, even if you're eating solo.

Tip 19 - Drink lots of natural juices

Published:  | Submitted by Paul | permalink

Drink lots of natural juices. This gets you to eat less junk food.

Tip 20 - The carbohydrate-to-protein ratio should be 2:1

Published:  | Submitted by SoCool | permalink

The carbohydrate-to-protein ratio should be 2:1. Follow this formula for post-workout snacks: The carbohydrate-to-protein ratio should be 2:1 for short, low-to moderate intensity workouts or 3:1 in long, high intensity training sessions, says Andrea Hacker Thompson, MS, RD, of the ACSM Fit Society Page. The carbs will replenish the glycogen stores (that is, the stored glucose that provides energy), and the protein will rebuild the muscles.

Tip 21 - Drinking freezing cold Water burns calories

Published:  | Submitted by 3ak | permalink
Drinking freezing cold Water burns calories

It is proven that drinking freezing cold water actually burns calories, when you drink cold water our body has a response to cool that water down.

According to a channel called "brain stuff" over on YouTube drinking a litre of water; estimate of the water you're drinking is 0 degrees for example... Our body temperature is around 37 degrees on average which means you'll burn 37 calories for every litre of water you drink, chewing on ice will double this figure instantly. 

Tip 22 - Don't eat Carbohydrates especially Rice and bread and focus on Proteins.

Published:  | Submitted by dietgeek | permalink
Don't eat Carbohydrates especially Rice and bread and focus on Proteins.

Tip 23 - Do Not Eat After 7pm

Published:  | Submitted by HealthyLife | permalink

Do Not Eat After 7pm. When you eat your dinner early, it gives your body enough time to burn some of what you eat. When people eat late and then go to sleep, the body in rest stage burns lot less calories. Try this, at first if you are not used to it, your body will call for food. Fight it and stick to it. Soon you will see, the upside is worth it.

Tip 24 - reward yourself with choclates and treats, saunas and sweets.

Published:  | Submitted by theflowergirl | permalink

count the calories and work off what you consume, don't deprive yourself of foods you love, work with them.. treat yourself to your favourite chocolate sauces once a fortnight and promise a rigorous workout thereafter. causes are great but motivation comes from within and longevity is hingent on one's ability to sustain momentum.if you love the will love you back...and there is nothing like a great sauna & steam straight after. 

Tip 25 - Drink 16 ounces of chilled water first thing in the morning (increases metabolism)

Published:  | Submitted by A.Minor | permalink

Tip 26 - Without carbohydrates your body kicks into ketosis meaning our body is using protein

Published:  | Submitted by Elizabeth Chambers | permalink

When I think of carbohydrates, I think of energy. Carbohydrates supply our bodies with the energy it needs to make it through a workout. Without an adequate supply of carbohydrates, the body goes into carbohydrate deprivation. This is called a state of ketosis (meaning our body is using protein as energy). This is not a good state to be in for long because it will rob the body of muscle tissue in an effort to create energy. On the other hand, if too many carbohydrates are consumed, they convert into stored fat. The idea is to consume just enough carbohydrates to make it through our workouts with sufficient energy.

Tip 27 - Natural Way to Permanent Weight Loss complex carbohydrates with fruits and vegetables

Published:  | Submitted by Jose Ottenwalder | permalink


There is a simpler, more healthful answer to obesity: eat the foods that thin people around the world eat; for example, the healthy people of Asia who thrive on high-carbohydrate, rice-based diets. The Japanese eat a diet abundant in rice and vegetables with only small amounts of animal protein and have a very low incidence of heart disease, breast, colon and prostate cancer and the world’s greatest longevity.  A recent (2001) study of Seventh Day Adventists found they lived longer and healthier. The vegetarian men and women had some of the best results with an expected age of death at 83.3 and 85.7 years, respectively. That is 9.5 and 6.1 years longer than the average Californian lives (Arch Intern Med 161:1645, 2001).

A diet based on complex carbohydrates with the addition of fruits and vegetables will cause effortless, permanent, healthful weight loss without restricting food or causing hunger. You eat delicious dishes such as minestrone soup, chili, and bean burritos. And you won’t ever have to make yourself sick again with fried cheese cubes wrapped in bacon.

John McDougall, MD

Tip 28 - Gradually replace bad fats with healthy fats and increase the amount of veggies

Published:  | Submitted by Adrian Flower | permalink
Gradually replace bad fats with healthy fats and increase the amount of veggies

To make sure you're healthy throughout the process, you need to gradually increase the amount of veggies you eat. Try starting to replace your grains with greens. If you do this, you'll be getting more fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Tips to boost metabolism

To support your metabolism, gradually replace bad fats with healthy fats. Adding things like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and fish oils to your diet will help speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

Tip 29 - Eating Right Kinds Of Fats Are Important For A Healthy Body

Published:  | Submitted by Livehelp | permalink

Eating Right Kinds Of Fats Are Important For A Healthy Body. Fats are an important part of the diet, but they should be as natural as possible just like every other part of a healthy weight loss diet that focuses on whole food nutrition yet avoids processed foods. Choose fats and foods that take the least amount of steps to get from the source to your mouth.

Tip 30 - Green Tea

Published:  | Submitted by sheena 649 | permalink

Green Tea Can Boost the Metabolic Rate And Make You Burn More Calories Around The Clock


For further reading: [30]

Tip 31 - Lose Weight by Falling in Love

Published:  | Submitted by perfectbuz | permalink
Lose Weight by Falling in Love

Scientific study has shown that Love hormone can make you consume less calories and may help to lose some weight. So fall in love and trim your waistline.

Tip 32 - Eating Salty, High-Fat Food May Promote Weight Gain

Published:  | Submitted by doodle | permalink
Eating Salty, High-Fat Food May Promote Weight Gain

Eating Salty, High-Fat Food May Promote Weight Gain: The study found that salty meals were rated more pleasant than non-salty meals, likely..

Tip 33 - 16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Published:  | Submitted by Super man | permalink
16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Had it with strict diets? We found easy lifestyle tweaks that send extra pounds packing. We talked to readers who shred up to 60 pounds, just with some easy adjustments.

Tags: weight loss, dieting, dieting tips, pounds, diet, zumba, nighttime eating, health magazine july/august 2011

Tip 34 - Cps Staff Net

Published:  | Submitted by abdurrazzak | permalink
Cps Staff Net

While keeping your watchwords straightforward is imperative, don't keep them excessively basic. For instance, in the event that you are working with a loaning foundation, don't just demand contacts who are keen on applying for advances cps staff net. Rather, incorporate words that would be early pointers that they would meet your organization's loaning criteria. Most rundown intermediaries will permit you to sort by FICO score, the kind of advance that contacts are looking for, and additionally the sum that they might want to get. This is yet one illustration. This determination procedure remains constant for different commercial ventures also, for example, protection, auto purchasing, and whatever other item or administration one can consider.

Incorporate data on qualities that are normal among the majority of your customers. Regardless of the possibility that this data is not specifically identified with your item, it can be valuable in guaranteeing that you are contacting the most ideal gathering of prospects. Solicitation drives who fall inside of certain levels of pay, are in a particular age range, or fit into whatever other wide demographic classification.

For further reading: [34]

Tip 35 - Chew and Chew Your Food for Weight Loss

Published:  | Submitted by bodyfatloss | permalink
Chew and Chew Your Food for Weight Loss

When you are eating your food, you must always chew your food slowly to ensure proper digestion of all the food nutrients. It also make the stomach work less to break down the food. When you eat slowly, your food will be digested properly and transformed into energy.  Poor digestion opens door to weight gain, acne and constipation and may lead to more serious problems.  When you chew your food properly, you will eat less food and major portion of the food converts into energy. Proper digestion is one of the essential steps for losing body fat.


Adnan Arif, Darren Morgan, DietGuru, Anu, Smithi, EatingRight, Hola, Planit, ThisSide, Manpower, SoCool, AMpm6, Jinse, 3ak, NewIdea, Hike99, Tipspit, Reddit, Paul, USA, Theone, JJJ, TMirza, Idea, J4BAR, KarenBaker, Sowhat, Username, Bank, Jason, DreamBig, Susan, Free, Newkid, raoisrar, tahir, Samantha Hogue, Julia Smith, Allison Coleman, Sims _x, 10pounds, Jill Dyson, Content, Nicola Halliday, Trevor, Susie Price, Elizabeth Chambers, Lori Flynn, A.Minor, Alexey Malyshev, Erin Byrnes, Patti Mbachu, Byung Chung, Giovanni My, Gig Xifaras, Talia Puma, Rakesh Das, Amparo Calzada, Roy Martens, John Eslick, Gary Humbarger, Sandya, elvira arzubialde, Pat Wilson, Dario Seghezzi, Aliaksei Ilkiu, Anne Bodin, Jae Nasdaq, Arlene Morgan, Jennifer Carrera, Dan Abbene, Tim Roche, Gunilla Engelbert, Ricardo Cruzato, Stephen Carns, Marinda Freeman, Ron Grober, Susan Biller, Rosica Golaboska, Christophe Auguet, Alexandre Araujo, Saul Gamoran, Debra Mandt, Clark Willingham, Joost Kamphoff, thelma fernandez, clifford akwana, Jose Ottenwalder, Geoff Seabrook, Helene Thybo, Bernard Rizk, SENECHAL CORENTIN, Monique Reynolds, Linda Berg, noah markus, Jean - Guy Rioux, Shirley Michelena, Lisa Milbrun, Don Likeum, Dimitrios Theofilidis, Brendan Mc Grath, DENNIS SAWYERS, Ardena Singh, Adrian Flower, Grietje Rusticus, Brian English, Tom Hennessy, Shelley Bosler, Rachelle Acuna - Narvaez, ann kuznetsov, Samarth Kalghatgi, Bradley Matthews, Marius Racianu, Bo Felding, Arjen Karelse, Jody Denton, Luc Sark, Carolyn Mueller, Karen Shaffer, Dustin Possetti, Cindy Dottaviano, Bil Rosen, Rishav Kashyap, Patricia Proano, Hubert Huang, doug babcock, DARROW WU, diamondkizzes, Hana Bartal, Doreen O Skea, Mark wojchik, Kevin Coutinho, Naveen Zutshi, Augusto Trigos, Jennifer Baden, Gerhard Meulman, Bruno Walschap, Rene Coronado, Trish Mc Cabe, Wieteke Dupain, Kerstin Brooks, Sheldon Bont, Rick Pappalardo, Mark Allshouse, Odair Capelozza, Akbar Zareh, Alwahssi Abdul Razack, Stefan Hu 00e 5kansson, Mathijs Vermeulen, javad Mogharei, Erjan Borren, Craig Marking, Filipa Grancho, Denise Drummond, Sarah James, Bill Peedle, Diane Ridgway - Cross, Andre Weissflog, laurel nicholes, Marcella Shupe, Joey Wiebe, Noreen Janick, Ayu Astuti, Livia Freitas, aline durand, Rich Clewett, Candy Romano, Jeannine Shafer - Flint, Rolf Wu 00fcthrich, Aleksandra Marciniak - Wiu 0119ckowska, nyjmac, Bina Dagar, SCHUHMACHER Jacques, Sandi Tiffin, Sarah Welburn, Kitty Gendt, Azizi Ahmad, Alan Beckwith, David Hickey, theflowergirl, Sarah Wiseman, Sherrie Mann, Eneida Velazco, Wendy Yale, Ana Di Nardo, Odile Bogaert, Patricia Russell, Ray Schwitters, Brendan Maree, Lebesque B , Max Brazao, Maureen Estes, Michelle Czuba, Glenn Moorer, Kristyne Kennedy, Ricardo Penetra, Jack Roberts, Antanas Kuzminskis, A Morarka, William Gross, Kelly Pollard, eulalie bah, Cathy Beauregard, David Chassu 00e 9, CALDERON JEFF, Sunmonu isa, Leilani Allen, Ed Petka, Tuesday Knight, Mike Buatti, Bill Waidelich, Delania Teems, Roy Schuster, Phil Owens, Jeff Funk, Louis Oquendo, Betty Lynch, Lynne little, Stewart Hill, Kelly Bunch, Jean - Franu 00e 7ois Tournier, Jeroen Ketting, Christian Arroyo, Henrique Terada, Michael Dakkour, Randy Pope, Kevin Kebodeaux, Robb Murdock, Aubrey Reed, Martin van Wijngaarden, Shawn - Marie Hale, Tannaz Rahbar, Oussama Kabbani, Janey Chan, Nigel Storey, Liz Murphy, bodyfatloss, venus, MARCEL RIVKIND, Robbie Goerke, Niels Wahlgreen, Michael Thibodeau, Monfront Thierry, melanderhenrik, Aaron Odud, Susan Kousek, mildred cnco, Bienvenido Paulino , sheena 649, Setty Mongwaketse, warstory, Woodcrest, Super man, abdurrazzak, perfectbuz, doodle

References & Citations