Tip - USB Flash Drive showing up as LOCAL DISK

Published  | Submitted by Amy Lai

I have purchased several SanDisk USB Flash Drives and this is the first one that shows up as a LOCAL DISK (and not as a REMOVABLE DISK).  When I attempt to copy a file to the drive in Windows Media Player (Windows 7) the "Start syc" option is grayed out and I am unable to copy to the USB Flash Drive...
Tags: e200, c200, connect, sansa, shaker, m200, c100, e100, rhapsody, e200R, e200r, e100, dap, view, clip, taketv, Fuze, Fuze+ Clip, Clip+, SanDisk, Cruzer, Extreme, Flash drives, Memory cards, Micro SD

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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