DNA analysis at University of Texas traces storied breed to first cattle in New World New DNA analysis shows that Texas longhorns are direct descendants of the first cattle introduced to the New World, shipped in by Christopher Columbus in 1493. The Spaniards shipped cattle to the New World for about 20 years, but after 1512, those cows became an isolated group for the next 200 years or so, said McTavish, a doctoral student in ecology, evolution and behavior. While living here in feral herds, these cattle developed their distinctive horns, which protected their young from predators such as mountain lions, wolves, coyotes and bears, Hillis said. Over at Texas A&M University, Jason Banta, an assistant professor and beef cattle specialist in the university's AgriLife Extension Service in Overton, said longhorns are no longer prized for beef production because their meat is not as popular as that of other breeds.
Posted: 9 years, 10 month(s) ago
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