Unauthorized Use of Another Person's Debit Card

Unauthorized Use of Another Person's Debit Card – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Unauthorized Use of Another Person's Debit Card. This topic was created by damikeh and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Debit / Credit Card Fraud - FindLaw

Published:  | Submitted by In Iraq | permalink
Debit / Credit Card Fraud - FindLaw

Credit/debit card fraud is committed when one person 1) fraudulently obtains, takes, signs, uses, sells, buys, or forges someone else's credit or debit card or
Tags: Criminal Law, Fraud and Financial Crimes, Criminal Charges

Tip 2 - Credit Card Theft: Punishments, Penalties and Consequences

Published:  | Submitted by valdi 200 | permalink
Credit Card Theft: Punishments, Penalties and Consequences

The offenses related to stolen credit cards have gradually increased over the last several years thanks to an increase in credit card use over paper checks. When credit cards were first gaining in popularity, the number one credit card theft crime was stealing a credit card users statement out of their mailbox. Credit card theft has evolved, so today it involves more than just stealing a credit card statement from a mailbox.
Tags: Credit Card Theft, Debit Card Theft, Stealing Credit Cards

Tip 3 - Can I File Charges If Someone Uses My Debit Card? | The Classroom | Synonym

Published:  | Submitted by Kevin Stoodley | permalink
Can I File Charges If Someone Uses My Debit Card? | The Classroom | Synonym

Whether you know the person who used your debit card without permission or you are a victim of identity theft, contact your bank immediately. Banks usually don’t hold you liable for ...

Tip 4 - Someone took money from my account without my permission. What can I do?

Published:  | Submitted by Jason Janecek | permalink
Someone took money from my account without my permission. What can I do?

If you suspect that someone has taken money out of your account who was not authorized to do so, you should immediately call your bank or credit union and let it know. You should ask the bank or credit union to prohibit future debits from the person who made the unauthorized withdrawal from your account. If the withdrawal was made as an unauthorized debit card or other electronic fund transfer, you may have additional protections under federal law. Electronic fund transfers generally

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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