A property manager’s job is not easy. None of the tasks are extremely hard, but the devil is in the details, as they say. There are the daily tasks of collecting the rent, filing for eviction, keeping up with the maintenance of the property, lease renewals, showings, new lease signings and marketing the available properties. However, that only scratches the surface of the complete job description. A lot of property managers also keep all of the accounts payable records and pay the expenses, they do reporting on each rental unit for owners, and they keep up with the taxes and insurance payments on the property. It is a lot of work and if the property manager misses a deadline, the ripple effect could be detrimental to the many other tasks that hinge on each other. Like anything in life, if you understand the position, it can be easier to embrace the frustrations you might encounter in this real estate investment game, whether you are an owner, renter or wanting to be a proper
Posted: 9 years, 3 month(s) ago
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