Tip - Uniforms for public school students? The debate continues as they become more popular - The Boston Globe

Published  | Submitted by Thomas Schror
Uniforms for public school students? The debate continues as they become more popular - The Boston Globe

At the Huntington School in Brockton, students arrive to class each morning dressed smartly in navy blue, khaki, and white. The uniforms make for a familiar scene, now for the fourth year. Thirty miles south, Wareham school officials are considering introducing uniforms next year, joining the Huntington and a smattering of others around the state that require students to dress the same when they show up to learn. No decision has been made, said Wareham Schools Superintendent Kimberly Shaver-Hood, but officials are in serious discussions. Uniforms, which have long been a fact of life for students at private and parochial schools, are gradually making their way into more public schools across the country.
Tags: Brockton,Foxborough,Revere,Holyoke,Springfield,Lawrence,Marlborough,Malden,school uniforms,Wareham,education,Worcester,Fall River, Christopher Ott,Education Department (NYC), American Civil Liberties Union, Twitter

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