Tip - Use Common Sense to Save Cents | Commentary

Published  | Submitted by LUDOVIC BOUET

<p>From time to time, we seem briefly aware of our skyrocketing national debt, but usually we forget we�ve been on the largest spending spree in American history. And without a strong economy to help generate tax revenues to pay the bills, our national debt has grown by trillions of dollars in only a few short years.</p>
Tags: Congress, Politics, Government, Governments, House of Representatives, Senate, Elections, Legislation, Campaigns, Democrat, Republican, Policy, Lobbying, News, Capitol Hill, Opinion, Committees, White House, Polls, Consultants, Beltway, congress, politics, government, house of representatives, senate, elections, legislation, campaigns, democrat, republican, policy, lobbying, news, capitol hill, opinion, committees, white house, polls, consultants, beltway

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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