Use of Camphor Oil for Ear Infection

Use of Camphor Oil for Ear Infection – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Use of Camphor Oil for Ear Infection. This topic was created by Brion Sunseri and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Camphor Oil & Earaches | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Hanno Blankenstein | permalink
Camphor Oil & Earaches | LIVESTRONG.COM

Camphor oil has been used for centuries by herbalists and folk medicine practitioners to treat pain and inflammations. The pungent oil of the imposing camphor tree is used in pain-relieving remedies such as balms, salves and ointments. Camphor oil's key characteristic is that it's a natural anesthetic that numbs the application site very...

Tip 2 - Error 404

Published:  | Submitted by Charles West | permalink
Error 404

Tags: 404

Tip 3 - What Is Camphorated Oil? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Jenny Simnett | permalink
What Is Camphorated Oil? | eHow

Although many people have no idea of what camphorated oil is, they have heard of it from an old song. In this song, sung to the tune of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," John Brown's baby had a cold upon its chest, so he rubbed it with camphorated oil. As the song suggests, camphorated oil is good for colds and flu. But what is it?

Tip 4 - Health Benefits of Camphor Essential Oil | Organic Facts

Published:  | Submitted by Shirin Odar | permalink
Health Benefits of Camphor Essential Oil | Organic Facts

The health benefits of Camphor Essential Oil include it properties like stimulant, anti spasmodic, anti septic, decongestant, anesthetic, sedative and nervous pacifier, anti neuralgic, anti inflammatory, disinfectant, insecticide, etc.
Tags: Benefits of Camphor Essential Oil, Camphor, Camphor Essential Oil, Benefits

Tip 5 - Home Remedies for Cold

Published:  | Submitted by Alex Chuang | permalink
Home Remedies for Cold

You'll find many tips here and natural home remedies for cold, ear ache, and flu... Our main goal is avoiding antibiotics to prevent resistance over time!

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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