Using OTC Yeast Infection Treatment

Using OTC Yeast Infection Treatment – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Using OTC Yeast Infection Treatment. This topic was created by Lou Springer and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Yeast Infections: Over-the-Counter Treatments

Published:  | Submitted by Cecilia u 00c 5kerman | permalink
Yeast Infections: Over-the-Counter Treatments

Most diagnosed yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter vaginal creams, tablets, and suppositories. WebMD explains how they work.
Tags: yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, yeast infection treatments, vaginal cream, over-the-counter vaginal creams, nonprescription vaginal creams, antifungal cream, treat a yeast infection, applicators, condom, HIV

Tip 2 - Yeast Infection Medications

Published:  | Submitted by Greg Bunting | permalink
Yeast Infection Medications

There are numerous medications for yeast infections, including both over-the-counter and prescription-strength drugs.

Tip 3 - About Common Vaginal Infections

Published:  | Submitted by Jennifer Keany | permalink
About Common Vaginal Infections

Learn more about vaginal infections. The three most common forms of vaginitis are yeast infections, bacteria vaginosis (BV), and trichomoniasis.

Tip 4 - Yeast Infection (in Women and Men) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Are there home remedies to treat a vaginal yeast infection? - MedicineNet

Published:  | Submitted by Camille W | permalink
Yeast Infection (in Women and Men) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Are there home remedies to treat a vaginal yeast infection? - MedicineNet

Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an organism called Candida albicans, and symptoms include vaginal itching, burning, discharge, and pain with urination. A woman can transmit a vaginal yeast infection to a man via sexual contact.

Tip 5 - 9 Highly Effective Solutions For Yeast Infections

Published:  | Submitted by Afterglow | permalink
9 Highly Effective Solutions For Yeast Infections

Why you get yeast infections and how to treat them.
Tags: yeast infection,yeast infection symptoms,yeast infection treatment,causes of yeast infection,yeast infection home remedy

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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