Ways to Get Your Cat in a Carrier for a Veterinarian Trip

Ways to Get Your Cat in a Carrier for a Veterinarian Trip – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Ways to Get Your Cat in a Carrier for a Veterinarian Trip. This topic was created by Paola - Sylvia Golemi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 5 Tips to Make Vet Visits Less Stressful for Your Cat

Published:  | Submitted by Sporadic E | permalink
5 Tips to Make Vet Visits Less Stressful for Your Cat

's no wonder that a recent survey revealed that two-thirds of cat parents take their pets to the vet less then once a year, in part because of

Tip 2 - Low-Stress Ways to Get Your Feisty (Claws-Out) Cat to the Vet

Published:  | Submitted by Mayuran Vallipuram | permalink
Low-Stress Ways to Get Your Feisty (Claws-Out) Cat to the Vet

Cats significantly outnumber dogs in the U.S., yet felines are much less likely to see their vets on a regular basis because of cat carrier phobias. Vetstreet's Dr. Patty Khuly tells you how to make cat transport to the vet less stressful.

Tip 3 - A Guide to Getting Your Cat in a Pet Carrier

Published:  | Submitted by Jody Meloccaro | permalink

Getting your cat in a carrier and to the vet can be tricky - Here are some tips for getting your cat used to a carrier and safely transporting him or her to the veterinarian.
Tags: cat, carrier, travel, pet health, pet health articles

Tip 4 - How to Get Your Cat in The Carrier - Cat Carrier Tips | Love That Pet

Published:  | Submitted by Honda Parts Dealscom | permalink
How to Get Your Cat in The Carrier - Cat Carrier Tips | Love That Pet

The process of getting your cat into a carrier can be difficult, read our expert tips on how to get your cat safely & happily into the carrier.
Tags: cat, carrier, tips

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

17.4k+ Reads
4 Tips
4 Votes
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