Tip - Western Practice Lessons: Ride Like a Champion, Improve Communication with Your Horse, Train in a Progressive Plan, Refine Your Performance (Horse Wise Guides): Charlene Strickland: 9781580171076: Amazon.com: Books

Published  | Submitted by Sandy Nguyen

Western Practice Lessons: Ride Like a Champion, Improve Communication with Your Horse, Train in a Progressive Plan, Refine Your Performance (Horse Wise Guides) [Charlene Strickland] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV> This highly visual collection of riding exercises will build specific Western riding skills and foster greater communication between horse and rider. Effective step-by-step lessons feature a complete description of gaits and movements
Tags: Charlene Strickland,Western Practice Lessons: Ride Like a Champion, Improve Communication with Your Horse, Train in a Progressive Plan, Refine Your Performance (Horse Wise Guides),Storey Publishing, LLC,1580171079,Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Equestrian,Equestrian & Animal Sports,Pets,Pets / Horses,Riding, showjumping & horsemanship,Sports,Sports & Recreation,Sports & Recreation / Equestrian,Sports & outdoor recreation,Training,Western horses,Western riding

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