What Are the Benefits of Police Training Simulators?

What Are the Benefits of Police Training Simulators? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Are the Benefits of Police Training Simulators?. This topic was created by Redha 039 Ahmed and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Maximizing use-of-force simulators in law enforcement training

Published:  | Submitted by C Bens | permalink
Maximizing use-of-force simulators in law enforcement training

Tip 2 - New simulators merge EVOC and use-of-force training

Published:  | Submitted by Charles Elliott | permalink
New simulators merge EVOC and use-of-force training

Tip 3 - Shoot or don't shoot? Wooster residents try police firearms training simulator

Published:  | Submitted by Bob Gunnell | permalink
Shoot or don't shoot? Wooster residents try police firearms training simulator

WOOSTER, Ohio- It's a high-tech tool used to train for split-second decision. The Wooster Police Department started using the firearms training simulator, or FATS system, this week. "The simulation...
Tags: news, firearms training simulator, wooster news

Tip 4 - Training Sims Help Officers Use Appropriate Force

Published:  | Submitted by Dennis Kinsey | permalink
Training Sims Help Officers Use Appropriate Force

Nothing is exactly the same as being in an incident on the street, but today’s use-of-force judgment training simulators are getting darn close. And the more experience law enforcement officers have with split-second decision-making in a realistic training setting, the better they’ll be at making the right call on duty.
Tags: Meggitt, VirTra Systems, Ti Training Corp, Michigan State Police, Laser Shot, Training Simulators, L-3, Cubic, Suwanee (Ga.) PD, Milo Range

Tip 5 - Page Not Found

Published:  | Submitted by Apostolos Pappas | permalink

Sorry, but the page or file you are looking for has not been found. Try checking the URL for errors and refreshing the page.
Tags: Error, 404, Page Not Found

Tip 6 - Police Training Simulation Games | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Muayed Takrouri | permalink
Police Training Simulation Games | eHow

Since the daily work of a police officer is often seen as being exciting and sometimes even dangerous, online games have been produced which simulate the training officers receive in areas such as firearms use and driving. As well as these games designed for the general public, there are simulations which are more advanced and used by real-life...

Tip 7 - The Virtual Reality Sim That Helps Teach Cops When to Shoot | WIRED

Published:  | Submitted by Gulmohar Pai | permalink
The Virtual Reality Sim That Helps Teach Cops When to Shoot | WIRED

“In cases like Ferguson, the question comes down to whether the officer should have used deadly force. A lot of that comes down to decision making.”

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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