What Are the Treatments for Hiatus Hernia?

What Are the Treatments for Hiatus Hernia? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Are the Treatments for Hiatus Hernia?. This topic was created by Kirk Sharpley and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - An Overview of Hiatal Hernia

Published:  | Submitted by Pam Toner | permalink
An Overview of Hiatal Hernia

WebMD explains how to recognize and treat hiatal hernias and explains the types including sliding and paraesophageal hernias.
Tags: Hiatal hernia, hernia, symptoms, treatment, stomach, chest, blood flow, blood supply, stranlge, esophagus, GERD, heartburn, reflux, acid reflux, sliding, paraesophageal

Tip 2 - Hiatal Hernia: Read About Surgery and Symptoms

Published:  | Submitted by hezaplaya | permalink
Hiatal Hernia: Read About Surgery and Symptoms

Hiatal hernia is caused by obesity, being pregnant, age, or thinning of the phrenoesophageal membrane. There are generally no symptoms of hiatal hernia, and it is incidentally discovered when a person is having tests for other conditions such as GERD.

Tip 3 - Hiatal Hernias and Acid Reflux  

Published:  | Submitted by Amber Avello | permalink
Hiatal Hernias and Acid Reflux  

Tip 4 - Hiatal Hernia

Published:  | Submitted by Malgorzata Boltryk | permalink
Hiatal Hernia

Tip 5 - Hiatal Hernia Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - When to Seek Medical Care for Hiatal Hernia - eMedicineHealth

Published:  | Submitted by Jeffrey Paige | permalink
Hiatal Hernia Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - When to Seek Medical Care for Hiatal Hernia - eMedicineHealth

Information about hiatal hernia caused by obesity, coughing, constipation, smoking, poor posture, and heavy lifting. Treatment for hiatal hernia include medication or surgery.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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