What Are the Treatments for Impulse Control Disorder in Children?

What Are the Treatments for Impulse Control Disorder in Children? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Are the Treatments for Impulse Control Disorder in Children?. This topic was created by Koen Van Hirtum and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Impulsivity and ADHD in Children

Published:  | Submitted by Dan De Rosa | permalink
Impulsivity and ADHD in Children

Tips for parents to help their children with ADHD control impulsive behavior.
Tags: adhd children, adhd kids,impulsivity, adhd behavior, impulse control, manage kids behavior

Tip 2 - Childhood as an Impulse Control Disorder (Part 1)

Published:  | Submitted by TG Defiant Gaiaghost | permalink
Childhood as an Impulse Control Disorder (Part 1)

This quasi-facetious title is meant to highlight something essential to understanding childhood. Namely, that--more than anything else--what distinguishes children from adults is in their ability to control impulses. Put simply, the younger the child, the less developed the ability; the older, the greater the ability. . . .

Tip 3 - A Game Designed to Treat Poor Impulse Control

Published:  | Submitted by louisa willis | permalink
A Game Designed to Treat Poor Impulse Control

Tired of punishing your child for acting out on impulses they can't curb? Enter
Tags: ADD symptoms, ADHD information, help, diagnosis, treatment, attention deficit disorder resources, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tools, medication, ADD in adults, ADHD in children, forums, community, blog, learning disabilities, dyslexia, bipolar, anxiety, Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Strattera, Prozac Toys, Games, and Play for ADHD, Summer for ADHD Kids, impulse control, Behavior in ADHD Kids, ADHD Parenting Skills, Discipline for ADHD Kids

Tip 4 - Impulse Control: Helping ADHD Students Manage Their Behaviors

Published:  | Submitted by Jairo Lima | permalink
Impulse Control: Helping ADHD Students Manage Their Behaviors

ADHD children often get in trouble for acting on their impulses. Find techniques for home and school that will help children with attention deficit disorder learn to rein in bad behaviors.
Tags: ADD symptoms, ADHD information, help, diagnosis, treatment, attention deficit disorder resources, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tools, medication, ADD in adults, ADHD in children, forums, community, blog, learning disabilities, dyslexia, bipolar, anxiety, Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Strattera, Prozac ADHD school, adhd children, ADHD impulsivity, impulsivity in school, controlling impulses, ADHD outburst, acting out, back to school with ADHD, ADHD symptoms, ADHD education, attention deficit in school, ADHD students

Tip 5 - Impulse Control Disorders - Treatment Options

Published:  | Submitted by Amiga Rulez | permalink

Some people who indulge in their impulses due to drug use, immaturity or plain orneriness, there are others who have a defective impulse control disorder.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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