What Does Grass Need to Grow?

What Does Grass Need to Grow? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Does Grass Need to Grow?. This topic was created by MICHAEL BARNEY and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Grow Grass in Shade | Today's Homeowner

Published:  | Submitted by Debu Pal | permalink
How to Grow Grass in Shade | Today's Homeowner

Dappled sunlight is better than no sunlight at all. If you have trees in your yard, you've likely encountered the challenges of trying to grow grass in the shade. Lawns have trouble in shady areas for several reasons: Most lawn grasses need 4-6 hours of sunlight per day. Shade-tolerant varieties can handle less, but no grass will grow in full shade. Sheltered, shady lawn grasses tend to be weak, spindly, and less able to recover from stress. In nature, survival is all about seniority, and mature trees and shrubs are stiff competition. The majority of tree roots are in the top few feet of soil, so lawns barely stand a chance under large established trees. As trees mature, the soil under them decreases in quality, and you can't till or add soil without harming the tree. Trees shed rainwater, so the soil under trees tends to be drier than the rest of your lawn. At the same time, the areas under trees have less air circulation, which makes the area more humid and susceptible to
Tags: lawn & garden,lawn care

Tip 2 - What Does Grass Need to Grow? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Sjur Strand | permalink
What Does Grass Need to Grow? | eHow

Grass is one of the hardiest plants in its species. It's able to grow in variable climate zones and requires little upkeep once it gets a feel for the land. Growing grass can be a pretty easy, straightforward process when you understand how grass interacts with its environment.

Tip 3 - Getting New Grass To Grow: What You Need To Know

Published:  | Submitted by D Cimochowicz | permalink

How do you get from seed to green grass? Getting new grass to grow takes effort and Know-How. Learn to tackle basic problems that affect lawn projects.
Tags: getting new grass to grow,grass,grow,lawn

Tip 4 - How Grass Works

Published:  | Submitted by david huskisson | permalink
How Grass Works

Grass plays an important role in enhancing the look of your house. Find out how grass grows and how to make your lawn the best looking on the block.
Tags: grass, grasses, lawn, grass care, grass types

Tip 5 - Lawn Care

Published:  | Submitted by Joel Pais | permalink

Making sure your lawn receives the proper nutrients is an important part of lawn care. Find out what nutrients are most important for a healthy lawn.
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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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