What Dogs Are on the Dangerous Breed List For Insurance Companies?

What Dogs Are on the Dangerous Breed List For Insurance Companies? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Dogs Are on the Dangerous Breed List For Insurance Companies?. This topic was created by Todd Bomberg and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 14 Dog Breeds Blacklisted by Insurance Companies

Published:  | Submitted by gis | permalink
14 Dog Breeds Blacklisted by Insurance Companies

Insurance companies have drawn up lists of dog breeds that they consider dangerous and whose homes they will not insure. How a dog breed ends up on such a list is often arbitrary.

Tip 2 - 11 Riskiest Dog Breeds for Homeowners and Renters

Published:  | Submitted by Natalia Akel | permalink
11 Riskiest Dog Breeds for Homeowners and Renters

Insurance companies may deny homeowners and renters insurance coverage to people who own certain breeds of dogs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Your next-door neighbor's yippy Bijon Frise -- who clearly has a serious Napoleon complex and a seemingly endless desire to draw blood from people's ankles -- may be far more likely [...]
Tags: Personal Finance,California,Doberman Pinscher,Dog,German Shepherd Dog,Insurance,Jeff McCarthy,Pit bull,Staffordshire

Tip 3 - Dog Homeowners Liability Insurance | Dangerous Dog Breed Coverage

Published:  | Submitted by Robin Stachowiak | permalink
Dog Homeowners Liability Insurance | Dangerous Dog Breed Coverage

Einhorn specialized in dog liability insurance for homeowners. If you're having trouble getting your home insured because your dog is considered dangerous, Einhorn can help.
Tags: dog liability insurance, dog homeowners insurance

Tip 4 - Top 7 Dangerous Dog Breeds

Published:  | Submitted by Glenda May | permalink
Top 7 Dangerous Dog Breeds

Dogs and insurance have been at odds for years and, because of some extremely bad claims situations, some carriers maintain lists of restricted breeds. Here are the top seven dangerous breeds.
Tags: Agency Management, Virginia, Allstate, insurance policies, liability insurance, insurance claims, Alaska, media accounts, Humane Society of the United States

Tip 5 - 10 Dog Breeds That Drive Up Home Insurance Rates - InsuranceQuotes.org

Published:  | Submitted by Offenbach | permalink
10 Dog Breeds That Drive Up Home Insurance Rates - InsuranceQuotes.org

We all love our four-legged companions, and the month of April is all about celebrating them as National Pet Month. In fact, the Humane Society claims that

Tip 6 - What Dog Breeds are Restricted With Homeowners Insurance?

Published:  | Submitted by paola veglio | permalink
What Dog Breeds are Restricted With Homeowners Insurance?

According to State Farm insurance company, almost 5 million people are bitten or attacked by dogs each year. The Insurance Information Institute estimates in 2011, insurers across the country paid ...

Tip 7 - Dangerous Dog Breeds and Liability Laws

Published:  | Submitted by Pat Frerkes | permalink
Dangerous Dog Breeds and Liability Laws

If you've been attacked by a known dangerous dog breed, you may be able to use state or local laws to build your claim for compensation. Learn more here.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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