What Fertilizer / Weed Control Can I Spread on My Lawn

What Fertilizer / Weed Control Can I Spread on My Lawn – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Fertilizer / Weed Control Can I Spread on My Lawn. This topic was created by Mark Gregorek and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - When to Fertilize & Apply Weed Killer to a Lawn?

Published:  | Submitted by Robert Stojanowski | permalink
When to Fertilize & Apply Weed Killer to a Lawn?

Fertilizers and herbicides help your lawn to be lush, green and weed-free. Not all of these products are created equally, so the timing and frequency of application varies from product to product. ...

Tip 2 - PreEmergent for Lawns: A User’s Guide to Weed Preventer Products.

Published:  | Submitted by Jenn Smeller | permalink

Preemergents don't work- unless you understand the tricks & timing of weed prevention. Tips and Cautions to effectively stop weeds before they start.
Tags: preemergent,pre-emergent

Tip 3 - When to Feed for a Greener Lawn - Scotts

Published:  | Submitted by Lony Mosner | permalink
When to Feed for a Greener Lawn - Scotts

Learn about the best times to feed your lawn during Spring, Summer, and Fall. Find out which product is best to help you with the feeding process.
Tags: when to feed lawn, when to fertilize lawn, fall lawn fertilizer, spring lawn fertilizer, summer lawn fertilizer

Tip 4 - Scotts Step 2 Weed Control Plus Lawn Fertilizer-Lawn Care-Scotts

Published:  | Submitted by Menco Slager | permalink
Scotts Step 2 Weed Control Plus Lawn Fertilizer-Lawn Care-Scotts

This lawn fertilizer helps kill dandelions and other listed broadleaf weeds.
Tags: weed and feed, weeds, weed control, clover, fertilizer, lawn fertilizer, scotts, turf builder, 4 step program,

Tip 5 - Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed Lawn Fertilizer-Lawn Care-Scotts

Published:  | Submitted by Steven Schmelzling | permalink
Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed Lawn Fertilizer-Lawn Care-Scotts

Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed is from the Scotts Feed & Control Weeds Lawn Fertilizer product line. This lawn fertilizer helps kill dandelions and other major lawn weeds.
Tags: weed and feed, weeds, weed control, clover, fertilizer, lawn fertilizer, scotts, turf builder

Tip 6 - Spray Weeds or Fertilize Grass First?

Published:  | Submitted by Bob Gallant | permalink
Spray Weeds or Fertilize Grass First?

Your lawn may not look like a professionally maintained park if it has dandelions and other weeds scattered around it. If you plan to use weed killers to deal with the weeds and fertilizers to make ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

15.9k+ Reads
6 Tips
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