What Foods Are Good to Eat for a Hiatal Hernia?

What Foods Are Good to Eat for a Hiatal Hernia? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Foods Are Good to Eat for a Hiatal Hernia?. This topic was created by Mary Young and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Hiatus hernia diet tips

Published:  | Submitted by ershana | permalink
Hiatus hernia diet tips

One of the key treatments for a hiatus hernia is changes to a person's diet to help relieve heartburn symptoms. Diet changes include having smaller meals more often and avoiding food known to trigger symptoms.
Tags: Hiatus hernia, hiatal hernia, heartburn, reflux, diet, food, menu, cooking

Tip 2 - Diet for Hiatal Hernia

Published:  | Submitted by Michelle Warner | permalink
Diet for Hiatal Hernia

Includes: what is hiatal hernia?, diet for hiatal hernia, and medical advice.
Tags: Diet for Hiatal Hernia, what is hiatal hernia?, diet for hiatal hernia, medical advice, creating an eating plan

Tip 3 - Hiatal Hernia Diet Tips, Best/Worst Food Choices, and Cooking Advice

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Wilburn | permalink
Hiatal Hernia Diet Tips, Best/Worst Food Choices, and Cooking Advice

Making a few lifestyle adjustments may ease hiatal hernia symptoms. WebMD tells you more.
Tags: hiatal hernia, heartburn, esophagus, stomach acid, diet, food, menu, cooking, bed, sleep, smoke, antacids, acid blockers

Tip 4 - Foods to Eat for Hiatal Hernia | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by whiteboyelliott | permalink
Foods to Eat for Hiatal Hernia | LIVESTRONG.COM

A hiatal hernia can make mealtimes miserable. Hiatal hernia occurs when a small part of your stomach slides up into your chest through a weak spot, or hiatus, in your diaphragm. A symptomatic hiatal hernia regurgitates stomach acid back into your esophagus, causing the heartburn, difficulty swallowing and chest pain associated with gastroesophageal...

Tip 5 - Hiatal Hernias and Acid Reflux  

Published:  | Submitted by irongate | permalink
Hiatal Hernias and Acid Reflux  

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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