What Is Clenbuterol?

What Is Clenbuterol? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Is Clenbuterol?. This topic was created by Sandra Heise and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Clenbuterol

Published:  | Submitted by Kathryn Trounson | permalink

MENU 1 Profile 2 Benefits 3 Side Effects, Dangers and Lies 4 Dosages and Use 5 Cycles 6 Half-Life 7 Celebrities 8 Trade Names 9 Videos 10 Pictures What is clenbuterol? In our industry, clenbuterol (better known as clen) is usually known as the “cousin” of ephedrine. That's because clen…
Tags: clen,clenbuterol,steroids,what is clenbuterol

Tip 2 - Fat Burners: Clenbuterol for Weight Loss

Published:  | Submitted by ciro | permalink
Fat Burners: Clenbuterol for Weight Loss

Clenbuterol, size zero pill is used for weight loss ... clenbuterol is Hollywood’s weight loss drug choice... clen to get skinny fast...
Tags: clenbuterol,clen,clenbuteral,klenbuterol,clebuterol,glenbuterol,clen weight loss,size zero pill,clenbuterol size zero pill,clenbuterol side effects,clenbuterol legal,clenbuterol weight gain,clenbuterol dose,clenbuterol dosage,clenbuterol women,diet pills,fast weight loss,metabolism

Tip 3 - Why Clenbuterol Is Banned in Sports (and Why Athletes Want to Use It)

Published:  | Submitted by Dori Fennell | permalink
Why Clenbuterol Is Banned in Sports (and Why Athletes Want to Use It)

Clenbuterol, also called "clen," is considered a performance-enhancing drug and is banned in most athletic competitions. Many athletes continue using clenbuterol to burn fat, build muscle and improve sports performance.

Tip 4 - Clenbuterol: The new weight-loss wonder drug gripping Planet Zero

Published:  | Submitted by John Latimer | permalink
Clenbuterol: The new weight-loss wonder drug gripping Planet Zero

As cruel as it is to break the news to Louise Redknapp at just this point in time, dieting as a route to size zero has suddenly become as passé as last season's hem-line. Earlier this month on ITV, the former popstrel and footballer's wife endured a brutal diet and exercise regime in order to "lose her trademark curves" (she is a UK size eight) and crash-diet her way Hollywood size zero. She lost the weight, along with her social life, her good health and her joie de vivre.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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