What Is a Hard Drive Sector?

What Is a Hard Drive Sector? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Is a Hard Drive Sector?. This topic was created by C COM and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Bad Sectors Explained: Why Hard Drives Get Bad Sectors and What You Can Do About It

Published:  | Submitted by Botan | permalink
Bad Sectors Explained: Why Hard Drives Get Bad Sectors and What You Can Do About It

A bad sector on a hard drive is simply a tiny cluster of storage space — a  sector — of the hard drive that appears to be defective. The sector won’t respond to read or write requests.

Tip 2 - A Basic Understanding of Tracks and Sectors

Published:  | Submitted by Evert Schermerhorn | permalink

You've heard about bad sectors on a hard drive. But what is a sector?? Check out our description of sectors and the tracks the create on a platter.

Tip 3 - Storing the Data - How Hard Disks Work

Published:  | Submitted by patawee | permalink
Storing the Data - How Hard Disks Work

Storing the Data - Nearly every desktop computer uses one or more hard-disk drives. Your hard disk holds all of the information available on your computer. Take a look inside this incredibly precise storage mechanism.
Tags: how does a hard disk work, how do hard disks work, hard disc, hardfile, hard drive, harddrive, DASD, EIDE, IDE, ATA, track, sector, see, access speed, read/write heads, information, tutorials, explanation, explains, understand, understanding, tell me, students, teachers, study, educational, learns, learning, resources, k12, k-12, help, helpful

Tip 4 - What is sector?

Published:  | Submitted by krokosauro | permalink
What is sector?

Computer dictionary definition for what sector means including related links, information, and terms.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

10.2k+ Reads
4 Tips
4 Votes
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