What Is a Non-Standardized Test?

What Is a Non-Standardized Test? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Is a Non-Standardized Test?. This topic was created by volker 48 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What Is a Non-Standardized Test? | The Classroom | Synonym

Published:  | Submitted by Matthijs Seldam | permalink
What Is a Non-Standardized Test? | The Classroom | Synonym

A non-standardized test is one that allows for an assessment of an individual's abilities or performances, but doesn't allow for a fair comparison of one student to another. This type of test ...

Tip 2 - Differences Between Standardized & Non-Standardized Assessments | The Classroom | Synonym

Published:  | Submitted by The Drunken Hero | permalink
Differences Between Standardized & Non-Standardized Assessments | The Classroom | Synonym

Both standardized and non-standardized assessments have their own benefits and drawbacks. Standardized assessments seek to measure the measurable, while non-standardized tests measure student skills ...

Tip 3 - What Is a Non-Standardized Test? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Dark Archon | permalink
What Is a Non-Standardized Test? | eHow

Non-standardized assessment looks at an individual's performance, and does not produce scores that allow us to compare that performance to another's. It allows us to obtain specific information about the student, and this can be in different formats.

Tip 4 - The problem with tests that are not standardized

Published:  | Submitted by Martina Kind | permalink
The problem with tests that are not standardized

How they can impact learning.
Tags: standardized tests, formative tests, assessment tests, multiple choice, how to assess students

Tip 5 - Tests of the non-standardized kind | MIT Admissions

Published:  | Submitted by Sultan Issa | permalink

Oct 12, 2005 — Today I am hijacking Laura's entry on tests, because a) it's something to write about on a very cold rainy day, and b) I have some really ridiculous-looking formula sheets to show you. In the book The Idea Factory by Pepper White, the author (who was a masters student in course 2 at MIT around the time you were born) is...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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