What Is the Difference Between an AA and a BA Degree?

What Is the Difference Between an AA and a BA Degree? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Is the Difference Between an AA and a BA Degree?. This topic was created by tim valin and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Difference Between an Associate Degree and Bachelors Degree

Published:  | Submitted by Jose Moraza - Santiago | permalink
Difference Between an Associate Degree and Bachelors Degree

A bachelor's degree program is often an extension of an associate's degree program. A bachelor's degree program typically takes twice as long to complete and opens the graduate up to more possible career opportunities. This article details further differences between associate's and bachelor's degrees.
Tags: Difference Between an Associate Degree and Bachelors Degree

Tip 2 - Difference in Degrees: AA, AS, BS & BA

Published:  | Submitted by Ivory Stone | permalink
Difference in Degrees: AA, AS, BS & BA

College can be a confusing time for students, who may struggle with finances, housing and even selecting a major. Determining the appropriate degree to aim for becomes much easier when you understand ...

Tip 3 - 5 Differences Between an Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degree

Published:  | Submitted by Barb Perch | permalink
5 Differences Between an Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degree

Deciding between an associate’s degree and bachelor’s degree? Here are the top five differences to consider.

Tip 4 - Which degree is better: AA or AS?

Published:  | Submitted by Alessandro Rancati | permalink

In weighing the advantages and disadvantages of earning an associate of arts degree (AA) versus an associate of science degree (AS), there are likely more specific job opportunities for someone with an AS. Both degrees include fundamental information if a student wants to go on and earn a bachelors degree in art or science. The […]

Tip 5 - What Is the Difference Between an Associate's Degree & a Bachelor's Degree? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Smartlipo Surgeon | permalink
What Is the Difference Between an Associate's Degree & a Bachelor's Degree? | eHow

Both Associate's and Bachelor's degrees are similar, yet completely different. Depending on the profession you choose, one degree may result in higher earnings and increased long-term benefits.

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