What Vitamins Should Be Taken Daily?

What Vitamins Should Be Taken Daily? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What Vitamins Should Be Taken Daily?. This topic was created by thejnaitor and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Supplements Every Guy Needs

Published:  | Submitted by Area 256 | permalink
Supplements Every Guy Needs

Despite what you've read in the sports pages, there are still a few pills out there that won't have you testifying before congress. Here's your guide to the supplements you should be taking.

Tip 2 - The Top Five Vitamins You Should Not Take

Published:  | Submitted by Lee Grzeskowiak | permalink
The Top Five Vitamins You Should Not Take

Vitamin supplements seem like a good idea - but recent scientific evidence shows that at best they are worthless, and sometimes they can even hurt you. Don't take them unless you have a serious vitamin deficiency.
Tags: Business,Health,Lifestyle,Pharma and Health,Pharma & Healthcare,Douglas Mawson,James Lind,Linus Pauling,multivitamins,Paul Offit,supplement industry,supplements,Vitamin,vitamin C,vitamin supplements,vitamins,vitamins and cancer

Tip 3 - What You Should Know About Taking Vitamins

Published:  | Submitted by Keyoor Brahme | permalink
What You Should Know About Taking Vitamins

Find out which supplements are best for you, plus the nutrients you need to stay healthy
Tags: best vitamins,what vitamins should i take

Tip 4 - Vitamins and Minerals: How Much Do You Need?

Published:  | Submitted by Cr Az Ym On 69 | permalink
Vitamins and Minerals: How Much Do You Need?

How much of a vitamin or mineral supplement should you take? Are your daily multivitamins enough? WebMD tells you what you need to know about RDA, daily value, and upper limits of vitamins and supplements.
Tags: vitamins, dietary supplements, supplements, vitamins and minerals, daily vitamins, vitamin deficiency, RDA, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin A, iron, selenium

Tip 5 - 6 Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Published:  | Submitted by Trine u 00d 8stlyngen | permalink
6 Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Dietary supplements are no joke. They're a must-have for awesome health, and chances are you're not getting enough
Tags: vitamin supplements,vitamin b complex,nutritional supplements vitamins,suplement,good vitamins,calcium women,Women's Health,Womenshealthmag.com,Women's Health Magazine

Tip 6 - Vitamins: What to Take, What to Skip

Published:  | Submitted by MIGMAN | permalink
Vitamins: What to Take, What to Skip

Vitamins and minerals are essential to any diet, and research suggests they may help prevent cancer and heart disease, not to mention other health problems.
Tags: vitamin rich foods, vitamin recommendations, vitamin requirements, daily vitamins for women, recommended vitamins for women, health magazine vitamin guide

Tip 7 - Dr. Oz's Ultimate Supplement Checklist

Published:  | Submitted by Gundumfx | permalink
Dr. Oz's Ultimate Supplement Checklist

Dr. Oz sheds light on one of the most confusing health issues: What vitamins you should be taking daily. Find out what 4 supplements he takes every day and why you should too.
Tags: wellness,illnessprevention

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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