What are the Side Effects of Microchipping a Dog?

What are the Side Effects of Microchipping a Dog? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What are the Side Effects of Microchipping a Dog?. This topic was created by Charra Bennett and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - MICROCHIPS: ARE PET OWNERS BEING MISLED? - Dogs Naturally Magazine

Published:  | Submitted by Mindo | permalink

January/February 2011 Microchips are being implanted in dogs and cats by veterinarians, animal shelters and breeders for identification purposes. Microchips are also being implanted by members of the public who have taken a brief microchipping course; either online or in person.  Fish, ferrets, horses, alpacas, turtles, elephants, birds, llamas, laboratory animals, zoo animals and even... Continue Reading

Tip 2 - The Side Effects of Microchipping Dogs

Published:  | Submitted by truesert | permalink
The Side Effects of Microchipping Dogs

Articles vetinfo

Tip 3 - How Safe are Pet Microchips? Know the Benefits and Risks

Published:  | Submitted by Conrad Bachmann | permalink
How Safe are Pet Microchips? Know the Benefits and Risks

Crucial information you need to know -- before you decide to microchip your pet.
Tags: pets, dog, cat, microchips, microchipping, safety, risks, lost pets

Tip 4 - DANGERS OF MICROCHIPPING | Lee Connor on WordPress.com

Published:  | Submitted by Jim Turnbo | permalink
DANGERS OF MICROCHIPPING | Lee Connor on WordPress.com

From the letters page of Dog World (22nd February 2013) I am surprised at the widespread blanket acceptance of the recent compulsory microchipping announcement. It seems everyone from the Kennel Club to the Blue Cross and obviously the Veterinary Association welcomes the proposals with open arms. I found it strange that such a monumental move…

Tip 5 - It's Safe to Microchip Your Pet

Published:  | Submitted by Maura Marquez | permalink
It's Safe to Microchip Your Pet

Have a question you'd like to ask a vet? Send your query to pets@washingtonian.com with the subject line "Vet Q." Q: We're debating having our new dog microchipped, but we've read some stuff online about negative side effects of...

Tip 6 - What Are the Side Effects of Microchipping a Dog? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Eduardo Schmidberg | permalink
What Are the Side Effects of Microchipping a Dog? | eHow

Although side effects are uncommon, microchipping a dog can sometimes bring upon varied effects such as temporary bleeding, hair loss, infection, abscesses and microchip migration. But the vast majority of dogs experience minimal or zero side effects from the implantation process.

Tip 7 - To microchip or not to microchip?

Published:  | Submitted by Paul Boege | permalink
To microchip or not to microchip?

Microchipping is becoming more popular in animals now than it has ever been before. If your pet were to get lost, you would have a much better chance of getting it back if it had some kind of ident...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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