What is Proper Attire for Lawyers?

What is Proper Attire for Lawyers? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What is Proper Attire for Lawyers?. This topic was created by Allar Hint and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Look Like a Lawyer on WordPress.com

Published:  | Submitted by Fryers Nunn | permalink
Look Like a Lawyer on WordPress.com

Dressing for Success in the World of Law

Tip 2 - No Longer Extraordinary: court dress

Published:  | Submitted by fallsnow | permalink
No Longer Extraordinary: court dress

Shortly after I graduated from law school, I was getting ready for a job interview one day, wearing a suit with pumps, and my young son exclaimed "you look like a real…...
Tags: legal,women,law,student,professional,lawyer,women lawyer blog

Tip 3 - Law Firm Dress Code for Women

Published:  | Submitted by Calla Muir | permalink
Law Firm Dress Code for Women

In the legal industry, dressing right is crucial to your image as a professional. Follow these simple guidelines to dress for success.

Tip 4 - Female Lawyers Who Dress Too “Sexy” Are Apparently a “Huge Problem” in the Courtroom

Published:  | Submitted by Dana Donia | permalink
Female Lawyers Who Dress Too “Sexy” Are Apparently a “Huge Problem” in the Courtroom

Loyola Law School would like to remind its female students to button up. “I really don't need to mention that cleavage and stiletto heels are not appropriate office wear (outside of ridiculous lawyer TV shows), do I? Yet I'm getting complaints from supervisors,” the school’s externship director told students in...
Tags: female attorneys dress code, female lawyers dress code, female attorneys too sexy, female lawyers too sexy, female lawyers pantsuits, female lawyers pants, dress code attorneys, dress code lawyers, loyola law school cleavage, loyola law school stilletos, loyola memo female lawyers, loyola female attorneys, loyola dress code lawyers, how female lawyers should dress, female lawyers attire, supreme court dress code, supreme court dress

Tip 5 - If the Color Fits, Wear It: Redefining the Female Lawyer's Uniform

Published:  | Submitted by pikkie greeff | permalink
If the Color Fits, Wear It: Redefining the Female Lawyer's Uniform

Conventional colors and structured garments should be prohibited at meetings and negotiations with influential people as well as in the courtroom.
Tags: if, the, color, fits,, wear, it:, redefining, the, female, lawyer's, uniform, style

Tip 6 - Dressing for (legal) success: Fashion strategy for the courtroom and office

Published:  | Submitted by mystikal 1000 | permalink
Dressing for (legal) success: Fashion strategy for the courtroom and office

Assistant Public Defender Shelley Duff is passionate about clothing and style, and when a client was on trial for homicide last summer, she strategically employed her fashion sense -- together with her legal know-how -- to help sway the jury. Subtle touches like stilettos and sparkly earrings might seem trivial, but they may actually have made a difference. "My trial lasted a week, and every day before I went to sleep, I would lay out my clothes for the next day, really putting an effort into my outfits and picking a great pair of shoes to wear," said Ms. Duff. After two days of deliberation, the jurors told the judge they were hopelessly deadlocked. "I had a chance to speak to the jury about the case and why they could not reach a verdict," she said. "In the middle of my conversation
Tags: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Style & Fashion

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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