What is a Surname?

What is a Surname? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What is a Surname?. This topic was created by Baptista Bonzo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - the definition of surname

Published:  | Submitted by Carey Towe | permalink
the definition of surname

Surname definition, the name that a person has in common with other family members, as distinguished from a Christian name or given name; family name. See more.
Tags: surname, online dictionary, English dictionary, surname definition, define surname, definition of surname, surname pronunciation, surname meaning, surname origin, surname examples

Tip 2 - First name, middle name, surname... real name?

Published:  | Submitted by repier 927 | permalink
First name, middle name, surname... real name?

“What's in a name” written by Kalpana Sharma (The Hindu, March 7, 2010) highlights the problems faced by women when their names change after marriage. Men too experience difficulties when they go abroad. She
Tags: S.A.Hariharan, first name, middle name, surname, Thirunindravur Srinivasachari Thothadhri,human interest, social issue

Tip 3 - surname

Published:  | Submitted by Dirk Freytag | permalink

Definition, Synonyms, Translations of surname by The Free Dictionary

Tip 4 - surname | the name that is shared by the people in a family

Published:  | Submitted by will callender | permalink
surname | the name that is shared by the people in a family

noun | \ˈsər-ˌnām\ | See the full definition...

Tip 5 - Surname, family name and last name

Published:  | Submitted by charles singleton | permalink
Surname, family name and last name

What is the difference between the three terms: surname, family name and last name? Do they mean the same? Or are there any particular contexts wherein one is more appropriate than the other?

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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