What is the Fastest Way to Lose 80 Pounds?

What is the Fastest Way to Lose 80 Pounds? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What is the Fastest Way to Lose 80 Pounds?. This topic was created by Laurel Ripley and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Lose 80 Pounds Quickly | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Ellen De Wilde | permalink
How to Lose 80 Pounds Quickly | LIVESTRONG.COM

Eighty pounds of weight loss will take a little time, but can be done with the help of a solid plan based on healthy eating and plenty of exercise. Your exercise plan should take into account your level of fitness and your eating plan should consider your body mass index (BMI). A BMI is a body composition measurement and will determine if you are...

Tip 2 - Success Story: How This Mother Lost Over 80 Pounds!

Published:  | Submitted by Georgia Kokkinidou | permalink
Success Story: How This Mother Lost Over 80 Pounds!

When Alicia West realized just how heavy she was, she decided she needed to turn her life around fast.
Tags: weight loss success story,alicia west,weight loss tips,losing weight,dieting,healthy living,motivation,inspiration

Tip 3 - How to Lose 80 Pounds in 8 Weeks | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by grevans | permalink
How to Lose 80 Pounds in 8 Weeks | eHow

If you are overweight, then losing weight is probably one of your main goals. Excess body fat stops you from doing many things and living a normal life. Most overweight people want to see results fast. Losing weight is not easy and requires motivation, lifestyle changes and dedication, but it is possible. By using these guidelines and changing your...

Tip 4 - Tips for Losing 100 Pounds

Published:  | Submitted by Svein Berge | permalink
Tips for Losing 100 Pounds

WebMD polled weight loss experts -- as well as men and women who have lost 100 pounds or more -- to ask for their best tips tailored to those with lots to lose.
Tags: weight loss, diet, exercise, obesity, weight loss plan, advice, tips

Tip 5 - How a 375-Pound Lazy Gamer Lost 80 Pounds in Six Months

Published:  | Submitted by Cathy Mick | permalink
How a 375-Pound Lazy Gamer Lost 80 Pounds in Six Months

In December of 2011 I was not a healthy person. I was eating crap, drinking crap, and the life of video game journalist not located in a major city isn't exactly rife with opportunities to do healthy things like running, walking... getting up out of your office chair.
Tags: Health, Weight loss, Gamers, Nutrition, calories, fahey, Fb, tweet, Top, Kotaku

Tip 6 - Weight Loss Wednesday: Sarah Lost 80 Pounds! | Slender Kitchen

Published:  | Submitted by Zeky Murra | permalink
Weight Loss Wednesday:  Sarah Lost 80 Pounds! | Slender Kitchen

Tip 7 - The best way to lose 40 pounds in 2 months and drop 80 pounds fast

Published:  | Submitted by Magic Stix | permalink
The best way to lose 40 pounds in 2 months and drop 80 pounds fast

If you are almost desperate and need to lose 40 pounds in 2 months or faster, my video http://weightloss-stories.com/How-to-lose-40-lbs-in-2-months is what you must do so that you can even lose 80 pounds fast. This video should be watched all the way to the end and is key to improving your fat loss efforts. And the easiest way to do it is to eat less than 1200 calories per day and do 2 workouts per day. This way your body will become a fat burning machine which will make your efforts easier. So, watch the video and take action

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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