What is the origin of the neti pot?

What is the origin of the neti pot? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What is the origin of the neti pot?. This topic was created by Xavier de Lecaros - Aquise and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The History of the Neti Pot

Published:  | Submitted by Melissa Pierce | permalink
The History of the Neti Pot

The History of the Neti Pot Have you ever looked at a neti pot and wondered, “What is this strangely shaped tea po...
Tags: default, general, nasal hygiene, nasal irrigation, neilmed products, history of neti pot, neilmed nasaflo neti pot, neti pot, neti pot usage, nasal irrigation, sinus, sinusitis, rhinitis, allergy, hayfever, sinus rinse, neti pot, allergies, cold, common cold, chronic headache, sinus wash, nose wash, nasal rinse, nasalrinse, nasal allergy, saline rinse, saline wash, post nasal drip, chronic asthma, laryngitis, scratchy throat, rhinitis medicamentosa, nosebidet

Tip 2 - Do Neti Pots Really Work?

Published:  | Submitted by Shandton Williams | permalink
Do Neti Pots Really Work?

WebMD examines the use of Neti pots to help relieve sinus problems and allergy symptoms.
Tags: Neti Pot, nasal, sinus, irrigation, nose, mucus, irrigate, water, salt, safe, effective, use

Tip 3 - The Scoop on Neti Pots

Published:  | Submitted by Kay - Uwe Dorn | permalink
The Scoop on Neti Pots

Recent research suggests that the use of a neti pot can improve sinus pain. Find out about the benefits and drawbacks of saline irrigation for sinus treatment.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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