What to Wear During the Winter in New York?

What to Wear During the Winter in New York? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on What to Wear During the Winter in New York?. This topic was created by Anne Bergen and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What to Pack in a Carry-On for Winter in New York

Published:  | Submitted by Karsus TG | permalink
What to Pack in a Carry-On for Winter in New York

Winters in New York are notorious for a reason. When you step off the plane, you could be walking into a blizzard or torrential downpour. If your luggage doesn't make it all the way with you, you ...

Tip 2 - Packing for Winter, New York City

Published:  | Submitted by ROBERT TOMBEUX | permalink
Packing for Winter, New York City

whatever, for a wedding, big hard suitcase. In summer: bikinis, light wear, different hats, sunglasses and suncream(top protection) if needed cameras A comb to tide your hair,...
Tags: 4 seasons, hat in summer adn hat in winter, Be prepared for the cold at this time of year!, Packing List, Be prepared for snow !, Wrap Up To Keep Warm, January visit? wrap up warm!, NYC in the winter..., Winters are cold, Winter wear, Wear a hat or die of explosure!, Visiting in the winter, Footwear in Winter, Fall or winter -- WEAR A GOOD COAT OR DIE!, Beware of the Urban Winter

Tip 3 - 63 Winter Outfit Ideas From New York Fashion Week Fall 2013

Published:  | Submitted by magicstone | permalink
63 Winter Outfit Ideas From New York Fashion Week Fall 2013

Rain, sleet, and snow hit New York City during the fall 2013 shows but editors, buyers, and bloggers prevailed with a slew of fun and fabulous looks. Check out our street style snaps to find some inspiration for your winter wardrobe now.

Tip 4 - What to Wear During the Winter in New York? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Eula Patterson | permalink
What to Wear During the Winter in New York? | eHow

Dressing for a New York winter means balancing style and practicality. Aim for protection first and keep fashion to the details. Avoid senseless items like summer skirts or stilettos. Winters can be harsh in the Big Apple, from freezing dry winds to rain and heavy snow. Most commuters are too hurried to notice others' style. From your outerwear to...

Tip 5 - How A Southerner Should Prepare For Winter In New York - NYU Local

Published:  | Submitted by marie rhodes | permalink
How A Southerner Should Prepare For Winter In New York - NYU Local

You may have laughed when the Yanks declared a state of national emergency over their little rain shower Irene, but New York may just have the last laugh. A weather phenomenon (I do declare) you can scarecly imagine is fast approaching: your first winter above the Mason/Dixon line. Now, I ain’t talkin’ to you Carolinians or Virginians. I’m talkin’ to you Georgians, you Texans, you Southern Californians. You have only seen snow on your ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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