Tip - When u don't have enough money 2 give your daughter a dinner, eyes will run a river

Published  | Submitted by Hughes Richard

I have been in a relationship for seven years and we have a beautiful five year old girl.  I lost my job while back and been having a hard time finding another one. As you can imagine things are not easy.  Couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation with my wife about our very difficult financial situation, my daughter came in and asked if we could order pizza for dinner. I said sorry hon, we can’t order a pizza. She asked why not, I told her we don’t have any money to order a pizza for dinner. She left and returned few minutes later, she open her piggybank, took all the money out of it and said you can have all my money.

For the first time in my life I felt how important is money. I looked at my wife who was trying her best to keep it in. As soon as my daughter left, my girlfriend cried like never before. 

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Posted: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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