When you keep missing your timeline or targets and have an excuse after excuse. No one gets fired, you choose to be let go. I have never heard of a single company who let go their most valuable assets. It is very hard to find good employers and it is just as hard to find good employees. When an employer finds someone good, they depend on that person and they do whatever they can to accommodate him.
I have seen companies go under but the most productive employees were taken on in other ventures and were recommended to other companies. A good smart, dedicated employee can not be ignored. Employers notice him and so do the suppliers, partners and other business associates.
As a boss, you talk about your star players and there is no way you would let them go. If you have fair of being let go, start improving your performance, go be on the call of duty and do something worth while for everyone. You will never have to worry about getting fired. Most of the time, companies will be waiting in line to headhunt you.
Posted: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
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