Which Part of the Body Makes Blood?

Which Part of the Body Makes Blood? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Which Part of the Body Makes Blood?. This topic was created by Ross Musumeci and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - A Moment of Science - Indiana Public Media | How Does The Body Make Blood?

Published:  | Submitted by scruffulus 2jd | permalink
A Moment of Science - Indiana Public Media | How Does The Body Make Blood?

The body must produce the liquid part of blood, called plasma, and the cells that float in it.

Tip 2 - Give Blood - How the body replaces Blood

Published:  | Submitted by Gail Delgado | permalink
Give Blood - How the body replaces Blood

Do something amazing - give blood and save a life

Tip 3 - How Blood Works

Published:  | Submitted by Jan De Bock | permalink
How Blood Works

Blood is the most commonly tested part of the body, and it is truly the river of life. Learn about red and white blood cells, lymphocytes, blood tests, blood types and blood donation.
Tags: blood, blood types, red blood cells, white blood cells, blood tests

Tip 4 - Red blood cell production - Health Video: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Published:  | Submitted by christine Dora | permalink
Red blood cell production - Health Video: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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