Why Do Companies Use Automated Phone Systems?

Why Do Companies Use Automated Phone Systems? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Why Do Companies Use Automated Phone Systems?. This topic was created by Alicia Isaacs and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Do Companies Use Automated Phone Systems?

Published:  | Submitted by reid funderburk | permalink
Why Do Companies Use Automated Phone Systems?

If you’ve ever seen your company’s receptionist attempt to deal with a flood of incoming calls while trying to make sure each person gets the proper attention in a timely fashion, you may ...

Tip 2 - Customer Service Done Right: When an Actual Human Being Answers the Phone | TIME.com

Published:  | Submitted by Sparetime | permalink
Customer Service Done Right: When an Actual Human Being Answers the Phone | TIME.com

The ninth circle of customer service hell usually begins with a phone call looped through a maddeningly automated system known as IVR (Interactive Voice Response)—you know, the one in which you "Press 1 to continue in English" and "Listen closely to our list of options, as they may have changed.
Tags: personal finance, saving & spending, smart spending, amazon, bluenile.com, cabela's, coldwatercreek.com, customer service, disneystore.com, etronics.com, freshdirect.com, grainger, greenmountaincoffee.com, ll bean, marketamerica.com, neiman marcus, net-a-porter.com, nordstrom, orientaltrading.com, phone, ralphlauren.com, ruelala.com, sierratradingpost.com, sportsmanguide.com, stellaservice, urban outfitters, yoox.com

Tip 3 - Why Does Customer Service Suck?

Published:  | Submitted by Martin Vigneau | permalink
Why Does Customer Service Suck?

Guest post written by David Yarnold David Yarnold is CEO of ServiceMax, a provider of field service management software. David Yarnold I was speaking recently to the general manager of a $9 billion service subsidiary of a Fortune 50 manufacturing company, and I asked him the question in the headline of this post. [...]
Tags: CIO Network,Tech,Enterprise,On Demand,American Express,Customer service,IPad,Jim Bush,ServiceMax

Tip 4 - On-hold hell: why automated phone systems are infuriating | Dean Burnett

Published:  | Submitted by Robert Hildreth | permalink
On-hold hell: why automated phone systems are infuriating | Dean Burnett

Dean Burnett: Using an automated phone system is a very frustrating experience. There are many reasons for this.
Tags: Science,Psychology,Telecoms

Tip 5 - How to outsmart automated phone systems

Published:  | Submitted by winston cruz | permalink
How to outsmart automated phone systems

Press 1 if you've ever been trapped in phone-system hell when calling the customer-service line of a large company. Press 2 if you've ever...

Tip 6 - Research Reveals Consequences Of Poor Automated Phone Systems - Interactions

Published:  | Submitted by Raquel Gutierrez | permalink
Research Reveals Consequences Of Poor Automated Phone Systems - Interactions

According to a new survey, the dissatisfaction with automated phone systems that many companies use has prompted consumers to take their business elsewhere.

Tip 7 - Why Do Companies Use Automated Phone Systems? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Marc de Souza | permalink
Why Do Companies Use Automated Phone Systems? | eHow

As telephone systems began being converted to digital systems, the cost of automated phone systems dropped and the number of features available via a digital phone system increased. These improvements resulted in most companies adopting automated phone systems.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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