Why Do Feet Go Numb After Sitting for a While?

Why Do Feet Go Numb After Sitting for a While? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Why Do Feet Go Numb After Sitting for a While?. This topic was created by Majorfatso and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Fibromyalgia and Other Common Causes of Numbness in the Legs and Feet

Published:  | Submitted by lionel raber | permalink
Fibromyalgia and Other Common Causes of Numbness in the Legs and Feet

Tip 2 - Foot Numbness - Feet Numbness - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Diagnosis

Published:  | Submitted by William Ruiz | permalink
Foot Numbness  -  Feet Numbness - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Diagnosis

Learn about Foot Numbness on Healthgrades.com, including information on symptoms, causes and treatments.
Tags: Symptoms of Foot Numbness Foot Numbness research medical research Causes of Foot Numbness health information Foot Numbness Treatment for Foot Numbness

Tip 3 - Toe Numbness - Numb Toes - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Diagnosis

Published:  | Submitted by Ken Silvestri | permalink
Toe Numbness  -  Numb Toes - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Diagnosis

Learn about Toe Numbness on Healthgrades.com, including information on symptoms, causes and treatments.
Tags: Symptoms of Toe Numbness Causes of Toe Numbness Toe Numbness medical research Treatment for Toe Numbness health information Toe Numbness research

Tip 4 - Why Do Feet Go Numb After Sitting for a While? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Jeffrey Wechsler | permalink
Why Do Feet Go Numb After Sitting for a While? | eHow

There are different reasons why your feet go numb. Having a disease, nerve damage and sitting for too long in a way that cuts off circulation are some causes.

Tip 5 - Reasons for a Numb Foot | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Jennifer Matanin | permalink
Reasons for a Numb Foot | LIVESTRONG.COM

Numbness in the foot, called peripheral neuropathy, is caused by a lack of blood supply or some type of damage to the nerves. This numbness can be permanent or transient. Numbness is a lack of feeling in the foot that can be associated with a prickling sensation, pins and needles, or burning feelings in the foot called paresthesias. Permanent...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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