Why Do Jews Wear a Yamaka?

Why Do Jews Wear a Yamaka? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Why Do Jews Wear a Yamaka?. This topic was created by webx and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Do We Wear a Kippah? - Questions & Answers

Published:  | Submitted by jblechta | permalink
Why Do We Wear a Kippah? - Questions & Answers

The tradition to wear a <I>kippah</I> developed as a sign of our recognition that there is Someone “above” us who watches our every action . . .
Tags: Why,Do,We,Wear,a,Kippah? Kipah (Head Covering), The

Tip 2 - The Kippah (Skullcap) - Mitzvahs & Traditions

Published:  | Submitted by Jeff Hokenson | permalink
The Kippah (Skullcap) - Mitzvahs & Traditions

Traditionally, Jewish men and boys wear the kippah at all times, a symbol of their awareness of, and submission to, a "higher" entity.
Tags: The,Kippah,(Skullcap) Kipah (Head Covering), The Halachah (Torah law) Jewish Dress

Tip 3 - Why does the Pope wear a yarmulke? - Jewish World Features

Published:  | Submitted by Vidar Karlsen | permalink
Why does the Pope wear a yarmulke? - Jewish World Features

Is the Pope wearing a Kippah, or is it the Jews who are wearing zucchetti?
Tags: Jewish World, Papal visit 2014

Tip 4 - Ask the Expert: Why Don’t Women Wear Kippot?

Published:  | Submitted by Laterite | permalink
Ask the Expert: Why Don’t Women Wear Kippot?

Question: Why do Jewish men cover their heads, but Jewish women don’t? --Alan, Baltimore Answer: I have to quibble a little with your question, ...

Tip 5 - Why Jewish Men Wear Yarmulkes

Published:  | Submitted by Gerald Tevac | permalink
Why Jewish Men Wear Yarmulkes

After the Star of David, a kippah is one of the most recognizable symbols of Jewish identity.

Tip 6 - Kippah: A Blessing On Your Head

Published:  | Submitted by Wassim Khamlichi | permalink
Kippah: A Blessing On Your Head

It is perhaps the most instantly identifiable mark of a Jew. When and why do we wear a kippah?
Tags: Aish HaTorah, Torah, Judaism, Bible, God, spirituality, halacha, Jewish law, Judaism 101, Jewish literacy, philosophy, basics, mitzvot, mitzvos, mitzvah, prayer, tefillah, blessings, brachot, kipa, kippa, yarmulke, jew beanie,

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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