Why Exercise Helps Diabetics

Why Exercise Helps Diabetics – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Why Exercise Helps Diabetics. This topic was created by Mitchell Seim and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Blood Glucose Control and Exercise

Published:  | Submitted by Cynthia Compton | permalink
Blood Glucose Control and Exercise

The affect physical activity has on your blood glucose will vary depending on how long you are active and many other factors.

Tip 2 - Physical Activity is Important

Published:  | Submitted by Bernard Kouao | permalink
Physical Activity is Important

Regular activity is a key part of managing diabetes. It can help lower blood glucose in addition to many other benefits.

Tip 3 - 11 Exercise Tips if You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Published:  | Submitted by Troy Beasley | permalink
11 Exercise Tips if You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Exercise is key to lifetime management of type 2 diabetes. Learn more from WebMD about exercising the right way.
Tags: type 2 diabetes, aerobic exercise, muscle, weight lifting, resistance, blood sugar, glucose, insulin, weightlifting, strength training, bike, bicycle, swim, swimming, walk, walking, tips

Tip 4 - How Exercise May Help in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Published:  | Submitted by J 4xx 3r | permalink
How Exercise May Help in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

A recent study of people with diabetes shows that engaging in a six-month moderate-intensity exercise program can lead to significant health improvements.
Tags: diabetes exercise, type 2 diabetes, diabetes treatment, exercise benefits, intensity exercise, diabetes prevention, high intensity interval training, exercise for diabetics

Tip 5 - Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise

Published:  | Submitted by Harold Becker | permalink

When you have type 2 diabetes, you must exercise. You probably heard that the day you were diagnosed. Learn what kinds of exercise to do and how to stick with an exercise plan so that you can better control of your diabetes.
Tags: type, 2, diabetes, diabetic, treatments, exercises, benefits, glucose, Type 2 Diabetes, exercise, flexibility training, strength training, type 2 diabetes complications, type 2 diabetes prevention

Tip 6 - Control Diabetes with Exercise | UnitedHealthcare

Published:  | Submitted by Amba Giri | permalink

Regular exercise may help lower your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of diabetes-related complications.

Tip 7 - What I need to know about Physical Activity and Diabetes

Published:  | Submitted by Rune Rosseland | permalink

Describes the benefits of physical activity and precautions for people with diabetes. Explains the types of activity and how to begin a program. Provides referrals to other resources. This publication is also available in Spanish.

Tip 8 - How Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar in Type 2 Diabetes

Published:  | Submitted by Ray Tucker | permalink
How Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar in Type 2 Diabetes

For most people with diabetes, exercise is a safe way to reduce the risk of complications

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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