Why Is There a Boingo Wireless Charge on My Credit Card?

Why Is There a Boingo Wireless Charge on My Credit Card? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Why Is There a Boingo Wireless Charge on My Credit Card?. This topic was created by tc 860413 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Boingo Wi-Fi FAQs

Published:  | Submitted by Kari Wise | permalink
Boingo Wi-Fi FAQs

Get answers to your questions about billing, connecting to the Internet and using Boingo Unlimited, Boingo Mobile, Boingo AsYouGo and Boingo Global products.

Tip 2 - Why Is There a Boingo Wireless Charge on My Credit Card? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Carmine nardis | permalink
Why Is There a Boingo Wireless Charge on My Credit Card? | eHow

Boingo Wirelsss provides wireless Internet access in hotels, airports and other public locations. If you're seeing a charge from this company on your credit card bill, then it means it has been used to purchase a subscription for this service. If this was unintentional, however, you can cancel your subscription.

Tip 3 - Boingo Wireless - Westwood - Los Angeles, CA

Published:  | Submitted by George Sakellion | permalink
Boingo Wireless - Westwood - Los Angeles, CA

Specialties: Boingo makes it easy to find and get online at free and paid Wi-Fi hotspots worldwide. Boing has been named Best Wi-Fi Service by Global Traveler readers four out of the last five years! Let Boingo Wi-Finder find and connect…
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Tip 4 - Boingo's Business Model Gets a Lot of Online Flak. Here's How They Could Fix It.

Published:  | Submitted by Darren Clarkin | permalink
Boingo's Business Model Gets a Lot of Online Flak. Here's How They Could Fix It.

While travelling through Newark last year, I was in urgent need of Wi-Fi for important fantasy-football-related business, and I signed up for that airport’s Boingo wireless service. In my hurry, I either didn’t notice that I had signed up for a monthly recurring charge, or more likely, I just forgot...
Tags: boingo fraud, boingo steals your money, boingo overbilling, boingo keeps charging me, boingo is a scam, boingo keeps charging my debit card, boingo fine print, boingo keeps billing me

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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