Tip - Why Personal Connections Matter & Can Get You Hired | Glassdoor Blog

Published  | Submitted by Regina Testa
Why Personal Connections Matter & Can Get You Hired | Glassdoor Blog

Personal connections land jobs. Everybody knows that. Hence, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” Indeed, in surveys, it’s typical for roughly half of employees to say that they found their job through a friend, family member, or other type of social network contact. But not all connections are likely to be equal. In a job search, talking to people and networking is clearly important, but who are the best people to talk to? How social networks matter for getting jobs—and all other sorts of life outcomes—has long pre-occupied sociologists and networks researchers. The classic answer to the question of which contacts matter for finding a job starts with the work of Mark Granovetter, who in the late 1960s and early 1970s interviewed a few hundred Boston-area job seekers. To his surprise, Granovetter found that people were much more likely to land jobs from information passed on by people they weren’t particularly close to. In interviews, Granovetter asked people whether a fri
Tags: job search,networking,social network

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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