You Failed, So What! Tips To Use Failure As Fuel For Growth

You Failed, So What! Tips To Use Failure As Fuel For Growth.  Failure is part of life and should only be treated as a learning curve. This is a place to offer tips on how and what you can do to make sure, failure helps you conquer your dreams.  No #DreamChasing can be fully realized without tipping over.

What are some of your greatest failures and what are the lessons learned? I can tell you from experience that if your not failing often and consistently you will never get to see breakthroughs and explosive growth! Failure has been the driving force in my life to improve my quality and quantity of life. I've always been the type to reframe and recondition my definition of failure almost everyday.  Please share your own tips on how to get up after falling or add a tip from something you read online about someone else’s failure. 

Tip 1 - No great entrepreneur will succeed without the struggle of tasting defeat

Published:  | Submitted by Win | permalink

Every great business had a moment of darkness when all things were seemingly about to fall down in destruction. And someone held on to hope an worked like mad. The crisis and trouble usually makes you come out of it unstoppable or stops you completely. No great entrepreneur will succeed without the struggle of tasting defeat and the sweet smell of victory. I've failed over a hundred times and I believe that is why I am successful today. I've tasted the poverty and I've tasted the wealth. And during my times of poverty I worked harder smarter faster and longer and by god almighty always stayed on my feet. Even when knocked down I rose up again as fast as I could without losing any enthusiasm. That is the power of a determined soul they are for better words or less invincible.

‪#‎theartofdreamchasing‬ ‪#‎failforward‬ ‪#‎youeithergroworgrow‬ ‪#‎dreamchasingfamily‬ ‪#‎thefailureshow‬

  • Dean Coulson Says: Thanks, needed to read that tonight

  • Alexi Neocleous Says: one of my notes from mastermind "comfort is the enemy!"

  • Matt Cirino Says: I needed this

  • Peter Moriarty Says: Few more than one haha. The struggle and the challenge is the ledge we need to leap off


By: Com Mirza

Tip 2 - See picture

Published:  | Submitted by 3ak | permalink
See picture

For further reading: [2]

Tip 3 - Behind every success story is an embarrassing first effort a stumble or a setback

Published:  | Submitted by Business | permalink
Behind every success story is an embarrassing first effort a stumble or a setback

Behind every success story is an embarrassing first effort, a stumble, a setback or a radical change of direction. It’s these first clumsy steps on the road to fame and fortune that fascinate writer Seth Fiegerman, who edits the blog, a collection of case studies on the origins of famous careers.

Smithsonian magazine By Amy Crawford

Failure and setbacks, far from being uncommon, are in many ways essential.


Tip 4 - Fail Fast... Keeping failing fast... Till you see SUCCESS

Published:  | Submitted by CuteGirl123 | permalink

The above ^

Tip 5 - First step is to realize that you’re not alone: fear of failure paralyzes everyone

Published:  | Submitted by Penny Lee | permalink

The very first step is to realize that you’re not alone: fear of failure paralyzes everyone who’s attempting to do something new and unpredictable. Believe it or not, that’s good news.

Since fear paralyzes almost everyone, it means that it’s also going to minimalize your competition. Even if there are people whose entrepreneurial skills are a lot better than yours, if all they do is wait at the sidelines doing nothing, while you do take action despite your fears and concerns, your chances of success increase dramatically.

As Theodor Roosevelt said:

“In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.”......


Tip 6 - A culture that makes it safe to admit and report on failure and learn from it Wins

Published:  | Submitted by Lori Flynn | permalink

Failure and fault are virtually inseparable in most households, organizations, and cultures. Every child learns at some point that admitting failure means taking the blame. That is why so few organizations have shifted to a culture of psychological safety in which the rewards of learning from failure can be fully realized.

This concern is based on a false dichotomy. In actuality, a culture that makes it safe to admit and report on failure can—and in some organizational contexts must—coexist with high standards for performance. To understand why, look at the exhibit “A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure,” which lists causes ranging from deliberate deviation to thoughtful experimentation.

Tip 7 - Graduate from Yale, you become president. Drop out and become a Vice President

Published:  | Submitted by Neversay | permalink
Graduate from Yale, you become president. Drop out and become a Vice President

President Bush:

Bush poked fun at his average college record while at the Ivy League school. "And to you 'C' students, you too can be president of the United States," he said to a crowd that rippled with laughter.
The president also got in a good-natured jab at his vice president, who attended Yale for a time. "A Yale degree is worth a lot, as I often remind Dick Cheney, who studied here but left a little early," Bush said. "So now we know, if you graduate from Yale, you become president. If you drop out, you get to be vice president."

Tip 8 - Don't be a quitter, be a failure

Published:  | Submitted by Theone | permalink
Don't be a quitter, be a failure

Maria and I came up with a saying, "We're not quitters, we're failures!" We'd rather fail a class three times and eventually pass it than quit and resign ourselves to the idea that we "just can't get it." That kind of sob-story defeatism has to be expunged from your mind.  By Nick Horton.

Tip 9 - Find the value in your failure and Act on what you’ve learned

Published:  | Submitted by Jennifer Scott | permalink
Find the value in your failure and Act on what you’ve learned

Find the value in failure.

If you’re looking for a job and you don’t ace an interview, you could either decide you failed at that interview, or you succeeded in learning something to help you in the next—which might be an even better opportunity than the one that just past. As the Dalai Lama said, “Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

I could give you all types of statistics for entrepreneurs and companies that eventually succeeded after abundant failures, but I’m not only talking about monetary success. I’m talking about personal success—bouncing back from a disappointment and continuing to move forward on the path that makes you happy.

I believe the greatest achievement in life is the choice to be empowered, not paralyzed, by a disappointment. There is no greater success than the ability to take responsibility for your joy.

Act on what you’ve learned.  By Lori Deschene

Tip 10 - your failed business may have been a blessing in disguise

Published:  | Submitted by Kevin Willer | permalink

In the end, the same optimism that had kept me from closing my business kept me going throught my business failure. It helped me to put a positive spin on the situation. Well, one thing lead to another, and here I am today... with this Hungry Entrepreneur business website!

When dealing with your own business failure, try to concentrate on what you've learned from the experience. In fact, you may realize that yourfailed business may have been a blessing in disguise! Take the knowledge you've gained and apply it to your next venture. (You're still an entrepreneur, right?)

Because of my business failure, I decided to try to help business owners avoid failure. You know, wherever there's entrepreneurs, there's going to be failed business. That's just a fact entrepreneurs need to face.

Tip 11 - Failure Is a Practice Run At Success : Practice Often Success Will Follow

Published:  | Submitted by Julia Smith | permalink
Failure Is a Practice Run At Success : Practice Often Success Will Follow

Mistakes are simply a form of practice. – Every great artist was once an amateur.  The sooner you get comfortable with practicing and making mistakes, the quicker you’ll learn the skills and knowledge necessary to master your art.  You’ll never be 100% sure it will work, but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work.  So get out there and try again.  Either you succeed or you learn a vital lesson.

Remember, no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.  Don’t waste your time being upset about something you can’t change.  Start over right now, implement....



Tip 12 - What I Did after My First Failure

Published:  | Submitted by AdamFlow | permalink
What I Did after My First Failure

Failure is the biggest teacher of them all.  I have learnt more from my venture that failed than four ventures, which succeeded.  It makes you humble again, it brings you down to earth.  Before my failure, I thought anything I will touch will become Gold and it did.  When I dissected my first bust, it came down to being too cocky and not preparing enough to execute it right.


Failure allowed me to get back to the basics again and put all I got in it. Off course for a little while I could not believe it but I got up fairly fast and started again. This time with everything i got again. 

Tip 13 - Use Emotional Intelligence To Rise Above Failure...See How?

Published:  | Submitted by TMirza | permalink

Use Emotional Intelligence To Rise Above Failure. Here are two key factors of emotional intelligence that are crucial to peak performance as an entrepreneur....

By:  Adam Toren

Tip 14 - You only fail when you try, and not trying is the biggest failure of all!

Published:  | Submitted by Tipster | permalink

Even if you fail at something, take heart from the fact that you tried it. One of the biggest regrets in life is not trying to do something you wanted to. Also, a small failure leaves you with something much more valuable than a small success - experience.

Tip 15 - Have more fear of regret than failure, your perspective is the Key

Published:  | Submitted by Ideas | permalink
Have more fear of regret than failure, your perspective is the Key

The only thing in life you have control over is your perspective. No matter what happens, YOU control what the meaning is, and what to do with the meaning you give to the circumstance.

Have more fear of regret than failure.
Failure is only part of the journey to success. There is not one success story out there that hasn’t experienced failure. The reason you are hearing about it as a success story is because those people saw failure as a tool to get it right.
It’s not about what you want to do for a living, it’s about you who want to be. What is your purpose and legacy?  JEN GROOVER


Tip 16 - Don't Buy Branded Notion That Is Fail Fast

Published:  | Submitted by Nano53 | permalink
Don't Buy Branded Notion That Is Fail Fast

I still don’t completely buy the whole in-your-face, branded notion that is “fail fast”. However, this event proved that getting together and discussing each other’s low points is nothing but positive in entrepreneurship.

Montreal angel investor and serial entrepreneur Austin Hill’s story was quite touching, and I think much of the audience enjoyed it. BY JOSEPH CZIKK

Tip 17 - 10 ways my startup failure changed my life as an entrepreneur

Published:  | Submitted by sanjaynegi | permalink
10 ways my startup failure changed my life as an entrepreneur

Summing up what I learned in just one line ‘You never fail as an entrepreneur, You Give Up’. But you are not here for just one line, are you? Yes, I do have a lot to say and that’s why I decided to…

Tip 18 - Buy email lists usa

Published:  | Submitted by rabbi | permalink
Buy email lists usa

3 Reasons why buying email lists usa is not good idea.
As an internet or affiliate marketer sooner or later or right from beginning you would like to embark your email campaign. And if you don't have mailing list you'll try to find for a shortcut, you search online and get several companies who will boast that they have one of the biggest mailing list already available all you have to do is pay them and they will send your promotional emails to their list.
Now I want to make clear why you should not do this mistake of purchasing that kinda service.

That's 100% true, many of these companies are bogus(not all of them are bogus). In fact they don't have any email lists they just ask for money and then generate click over your tracking code via software. And you finally end up asking yourself why not a single purchase though I got several hits.

Now you have found a company which is not surely bogus and does have working buy email lists usa with them. So you'll spend a lot of time and energy preparing a good looking promotional letter hoping that you will generate sales but receive no sales. This happens because your mail end up in people's spam or junk folder reason is quite clear though these people have big email lists but they lack permission of delivering promotional message.

Probably you have found a company that not only have working mailing list and even permission to send promotional messages. But if cost per message is high then its not good idea to purchase such lists. Why? In marketing world when you start for a new venture it is assumed that you should not consider conversion rate more than 1%, assuming this fact we suppose you buy 1000 emails for $45 then it might be the case that hardly 500-600 will open it out of which 100-300 will read it completely 100-200 will show interest and 1% of it'll purchase.

Final word of day is it does takes time and money to build your own list but such list is more trustworthy than
any other list you'll purchase from anywhere else. So its better to spend you time and effort to build your list than finding such shortcuts.

Nrupen Masram started affiliate marketing as a part time after college dropout. He likes to write about affiliate marketing and online income opportunities.

Learn how you too can earn $300+ per day by affiliate marketing and how you can build a huge mailing list website in fast and easy way.
Blog : Free Stuff For Affiliate Marketers

For further reading: [18]

Tip 19 - purchasing email lists

Published:  | Submitted by monirjibon 001 | permalink
purchasing email lists

Latest Database  provides you the most sophisticated and elaborate databases on Australian business email lists, with full of customer information that you may wish to target in order to promote your products and/or services. Thinking about procuring a comprehensive database on Australian business email lists, your solution lies with Latest Database™ providing you a complete Australian consumers’ email database to help market yourself like never before. Stay ahead in the race simply by buying an email database from us with all relevant details of potential clients.Latest Database have 4 million Australian Consumer Email Database.

Amount of Records: 2 Millions

Listing Include: * Frist Name * Last Name * Business name * address

* City *Zip code *State * Email Address * Phone number * Fax number

* Website address

For further reading: [19]

Tip 20 - USA Mailing lists

Published:  | Submitted by mannanbd 45 | permalink
USA Mailing lists

A USA mail address is available to almost anyone. Even with the economic downturn in the world it's still viable to have a mail box in the US. There are quite a few intrinsic benefits to having a mailing address in the US. usa mailing lists Access to local trade magazines is straightforward. When shopping online there is no need to check if a store delivers items internationally. Many of the of the commercial companies that offer mail box services enable you to access your mail online regardless of where you may be as long as you have an internet connection. The mail box which accompanies the address normally has a set of supporting services related to mailing. A mail view manager makes it easy for you to access your mail box. It lists the items in the mail box and makes it possible for you to request the various services. Email notification of when anything new arrives in your mail box is sometimes also available. Arrangements for forwarding the items in the mail box are made via the mail view manager. These may be fixed or spontaneous schedules. Each time one is generated there is also the option of receiving quotations from the various shipping forwarders that the mail company may enlist. The shipping couriers normally have global networks and are universally recognized e.g. DHL, USPS, FedEx and UPS. In addition to being able to forward to practically any address in the world, your US mail address can usually receive a parcel or document from these courier companies as well as the post office. This is possible because the mail box has a real physical street address and not a PO Box adddress. Also a request to remove any trivial correspondence can ensure that you only forward relevant correspondence along with your merchandise. Normally, junk mail discarded and shredded for free.

For further reading: [20]

Tip 21 - mailing list database

Published:  | Submitted by atekurrahman | permalink
mailing list database

Most commercial ventures have exchange indexes that are normally accumulated industry information from different sources; most are confirmed by telephone and make really great regular postal mail records. A registry of pet item makers, or of warming and cooling contractual workers would be great illustrations of an arranged industry regular postal mail records.

Remember that aggregated data - like fish - gets old rather rapidly and doesn't age especially well. Mailings records fall into the highest point of that classification - the fresher the names, the better. The more seasoned the names, the less exact - and the more prominent your profits.

For further reading: [21]

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Category: Conflict & Tragedy | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

62.4k+ Reads
21 Tips
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