collectibles for sale burlington wa

Address: 1645 Walton Drive, Burlington, WA 98233


Phone: 206-533-9600






About the Business: My name is Jeri Drager. With my son Andrew (and sometimes my granddaughter Jannah) we operate Drager’s International Classic Sales. My Dad, Otto Drager, started Drager’s Harley-Davidson in 1934 in Aberdeen, WA, before moving the business to Bremerton in 1940. In 1950 we moved to Seattle where my parents operated the business. I graduated from high school in 1960 and have worked their full time ever since.  I started Drager’s International during the ‘70’s and bought my first classic car in 1971. I moved the business to 4905 Aurora Ave. N in 1986 and later to 18805 Aurora Ave. N. in Shoreline. In 2020 we moved to our present location in Burlington, WA.

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