yard trees fergus falls mn

Address: 20064 County Highway 24, Erhard, MN 56534

Phone: (218) 842-5555

Website URL: https://www.thedaisygirl.com/

About Business: Daisy Girl Organic Perennials Trees Plants & Shrubs is an organic nursery in Erhard, Minnesota, that raises and sells trees, flowers, shrubs, and other popular plants. We are a family owned & operated business, offering a wide variety of nursery items to choose from to help make your garden or landscape look beautiful. Most of the trees, plants, and shrubs can be seen in our own yard and nursery as adult plantings, so when you come out you will be able to see the future of your own garden or yard!

Business Hours:
Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Sunset
Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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