Tip - your failed business may have been a blessing in disguise

Published  | Submitted by Kevin Willer

In the end, the same optimism that had kept me from closing my business kept me going throught my business failure. It helped me to put a positive spin on the situation. Well, one thing lead to another, and here I am today... with this Hungry Entrepreneur business website!

When dealing with your own business failure, try to concentrate on what you've learned from the experience. In fact, you may realize that yourfailed business may have been a blessing in disguise! Take the knowledge you've gained and apply it to your next venture. (You're still an entrepreneur, right?)

Because of my business failure, I decided to try to help business owners avoid failure. You know, wherever there's entrepreneurs, there's going to be failed business. That's just a fact entrepreneurs need to face.

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Posted: 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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